Danganronpa Forum Mafia - Dead Chat

I’m so sad I didn’t get to be a Town Suicide Bomber though.
That would have been great.

Wtf isn’t this illegal

I wished for it tbh

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Nvm I read that wrong

I couldn’t stop laughing when I thought of Junko Enoshima being a Town Suicide Bomber with the ability ‘Kama Kama Kamakazie’

I planned on trying really hard and winning the game with my role, but toxicity made me quit kek

Did someone try to claimvig me?

Don’t believe so. We left you to die to the counter thing.

@KyoDaz is merc mafia

Was kai maf?

We thought eevee would be an easy mislynch too so we could hang them.
And Nuclear had good reads so we wanted them dead as well.
Marshal is pretty much entirely wrong.

who is maf? pls tell us
I would be baffled if orange isn’t

Mercenary and Kai are not mafia.


game is over lol

@Alice Double confirming that giving all information in dead chat is fine?

So he troll gladiated

This is so sad

@KyoDaz here

I know, but it’s quite hard to host a 40p mash as one person so Alice may have missed something.
Just double checking.