Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

ayaya noises

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I still fail to understand how people manage to do that.


/Mindstorm Gaja Ritualist

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obviously because I’m neither competent nor perceptive :^)

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i’d probably let you kill me tbh


See, easily predicted.

damn yall suck

Two birds with one stone

Someone i love gets to go free
And uh
The other thing


Disgusting :^)


I really like the talents of people in the game


somewhat more interesting than the four zillion Ultimate Sports People of the first and second game (and possibly the third, I haven’t played it)

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But Arete,

how will we survive without another big breasted basketball/volleyball Ultimate that never actually uses her talent in any beneficial way throughout the whole game?


thats my kink


Ultimate Fan Support :^)


You mean Ultimate Fanservice.

i meant to type that

it is 2am

my sleep schedule is Not Exactly Great:tm:

actual teenagers: nerds who spend all day in their room looking at the internet

teenagers in Danganronpa: ‘oh there are girls??? let me go try to see them naked!!! haha sex jokes haha’

it is possible that my idea of what actual teenagers are like is slightly skewed

i feel like you should know this is a thing teenagers do


Meanwhile it’s 9 AM and I haven’t made any tangible progress on my picture, but I’m not going to sleep either

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I know right, what a bunch of plebeians.
Imagine spying on the girls when you could spy on the boys instead :^)

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