Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

6pm + I took a one hour nap

13-14 hours, not that bad.
Pulling 18 here, will probably stay up later because I want to at least finish a part of this picture today.

We’re soon entering the moment of my sleep schedule where I sleep for 2 hours so I don’t miss EOD and I don’t wake up

I’m not going to bed for another 5 hours tbh lmao yesterday went to bed at 1pm

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Arete in high school: ‘okay I’m going to get up at 6:30 AM two days out of five and 7:20 the other 3’

Arete in uni: ‘if I stay up until 6 AM and wake up at 2 I’m getting 8 hours of sleep like you’re supposed to’


I used to do




in that order

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then I learned that 5pm classes when youve been awake for the past 17 hours isn’t the best

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senior year I just did half my homework on public transit

this starts to sound a lot more reasonable when you realize I was spending 2-3 hours on transit every day

ive been on public transport a handful of times ever

so i cant relate but i dont feel like that sounds that weird

I used to do some of my homework during the 5 minute break between classes

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holy shit im so tired i quoted this and was typing “but thats 6 hours of sleep”

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go to bed ur drunk

almost literally

One time we had like, a project to show in front of the class in English

I didn’t do it

We could raise our hands to go first

I actually raised my hand without having done anything becuase I was too busy playing League for the past week and I felt like going

I got the highest grade in the class except for like the actual native english speakers

Greatest steal of my career

I improvised the whole presentation :^)

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Oh I remember the subject

Creating an eco friendly house or whatever

Yeah that happened


we should probably, like, talk about the game in the spec chat for the game



I was waiting for someone else to bring it up.

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true true :^)

Oh shit is vul gunna rp in this game

I need popcorn

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Why does this chat have more posts than the thread.

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Because the hyperposters are in here. Also much of the action in the game has been happening outside the cafeteria.