Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

PKR is a chronomancer except they just fuck with poisons

marshal come join us ayaya

Tbh, youā€™d still be alive rn if it werenā€™t for him, so that officially makes him the blackened.


iā€™m upset

I did nothing wrong, I protected myself from murder, and in the end, it was my poison that killed me

I wouldnā€™t be alive if it wasnā€™t for me either :man_shrugging:

iā€™m not going to get into big argue with the host

but random person who can snipe any person who is poisoned, steal the kill, and the person will have no idea is pretty not gamer

Is there any way to determine that PKR is the blackened? I feel like it will be very hard to deduce heā€™s the Blackened and even if they do, theyā€™ll probably get him for the wrong reasons.

The murder weapon was used by Marshalā€¦

PKR literally used an ability to kill someone.

I canā€™t see that post

From the rec room.

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yeah u hafta quote it

I seeā€¦ so there is a trace


Basically, PKR was the one who brought Marshal to the Chem lab, he follow Marshal to the rec room later on. Who else could have killed Marshal?

I thought ā€œadministers to marshalā€ just mean he like helped me up

give help or service.

we must selflessly administer to his needs"

dude thatā€™s actually BS

literally nobody will have any way to find out because he can rando snipe literally any poison

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I supposeā€¦

The fact that you still died is questionable though.

Isnā€™t Wazza a witness?

Technically, yes.

I mean I made the perfect crime

italy and crich look really fucking bad, I worked hard making flavor books to frame specific people, and they will never guess it was PKR because ā€œadministers to marshalā€ is not nearly enough of a case

Itā€™s still fairly possible to find out PKR was the blackened by trying to find out the source of poison, plus Uni technically has an action that allows to detect the poison accelerator used to kill Marshal.

the fact that PKR didnt apply the poison that killed marshal means he prob gets away with it

Like, once people figure out that thereā€™s weak poison and a poison accelerator used to murder you people are going to be more skeptical of the Ultimate Physician.