Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

Time zones did not go my way

have you tried not having a weird timezone


jokes aside i half agree marshal got robbed

but i also think by the rules that PKR should be credited the kill

even if its kinda lame for marshal


I agree that Marshal got unlucky.

Their plan was well crafted but every thing just went wrong.

This game was borderline unwinnable

PKR is going to win, and he did well, I decided to say sappy things about him in my journal to make him feel worse about my death so I literally said it was never him lol

I just

FUCK dude there was literally nothing I could do to counteract this or have any indication this could work

Tbh you rushed away from the rec room right after he gave you poison accelerating drugs.

if nobody finds marshals body the trial will never happen

I would still argue I get the kill, as it was my poison and the toxicology just altered the effects. I still drank it and he just altered the effects of it, it was still the poision I consciously drank and the poison that killed me

I was never told that I had anything put in to my body

If it was ā€œhe gave me drugs that killed meā€ then sure

yes itā€™s his kill

but I wasnā€™t told he gave me drugs

I would not have LET him give me drugs. I would have tried to cure myself if he did.

Wants to play
A love game
A love game
Hold me and love me
Just wanna touch you FOOORR A MINUTE

So I guess pkr slid a pill down my throat while I wasnā€™t looking and I died


dw i lost too


wait its not november yet

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like if it was drugs then yes iā€™m fine, itā€™s PKRs kill and it would be my fault for letting him give them to me and for not trying to seek out a cure, there is a counterplay to that and it is 100% deserved

butā€¦ I wasnā€™t told I was given drugs? I was just told I was administered to by PKR? I wasnā€™t told I was administered drugs, I was just told I was administered to, and administered with nothing being adminstered is defined by the dictionary as helped

so I interpereted that as I was helped up by PKR

Yeah, this is kind of mb as I could have been clearer.

Iā€™m not going to argue any further

but I also wasnā€™t told that I had anything put in to my body

I would have reacted in a different way if I was

so I feel that this was at least somewhat unfair

Yeah I apologize, next DR-like game Iā€™m hosting Iā€™m making it more clearer what happens.


is this confirmation thereā€™s another


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vanity search was fun

Iā€™m still going to argue that it was an error that caused me to die and that I shouldnā€™t have instalost the game because I wasnā€™t told that I had drugs put in my body and therefore didnā€™t react accordingly

I guess this is karmic revenge for SFoL 61.5 and kat :^)

in that case

i was robbed out of an NK win and you were robbed out of a Jester win
