Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

omg i love it

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did someone say cosplasy?

wow Marshal are you volunteering to cosplay him?

where’s the box though

it’s on his necklace

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i’m not saying I would


I am saying that I need to buy new clothes for the school year anyways and this shirt is on amazon



wait why are there so many joycat shirts on amazon

canned danganronpa game that I made on discord was a work of art

too bad I got angry at like 5 players pre game because they were annoying :^)

If I wore them at school people would think i’m some cringe kid who thinks emoji t-shirts are cool

jokes on them, i’m actually a cool person who one time in a game of mafia on the internet was very confident on my reads and began spamming them in thread and added the joycat emoji for extra effects while declaring myself to be “boxed in” and then i got dueled by italy d2. Who is italy? italy is in texas. Anyways then all these other people also used the joycat emoji and calling themselves boxed in and then it spread as a meme on our site and now we use the emoji a ton


nerd likes emojis


gamer moment when your joycatted reads were 1/3

and the 1 was a LW so it only half counts :^)

you know what


that game is one my “this game does not exist” list

I acknowledge SFoL53’s existence and evolution fills the hole of the game that does not exist

I acknowledge both Evo and SFoL 53

checkmate joycatters

i wasnt on the forums when sfol53 happened so i dont have to acknowledge it

checkmate nerds

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how’s everyone doing today


What was SFoL53?
Why do I think it was Looming Threat?


i’d make up an optimistic sounding answer but i don’t have the energy to

cause it was

Oh dear.
That number is engraved in my brain.
I’ll never forget Looming Threat.


good meme

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I just tried to kill myself, was rushed to the doctors office after being declared sick, and then the doctor decided to kill me first

so a normal day