Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

More dramatic to not end it like this.

Since you all got it wrong, hereā€™s the truth of the case.

While there was only one blackened, there is technically an additional co-conspirator. The murder plot all began at the start of Chapter I, where the co-conspirator rushed to the Chemistry Lab, passing by Italy, and then snagged the weak poison after identifying it using their knowledge of poisons.

The co-conspirator later then bid their time across the first chapter, fearing that Monokumaā€™s first motive may disrupt their future plans. They spent much of their time in either their cafeteria or their dormitories in fear that being killed would have stopped their plan right in their tracks.

As soon as the second chapter began, the co-conspirator, who was Marshal himself, secretly poisoned his water and then drank the defiled water in secret while at the cafeteria. Doing this would be the ideal way to create the ultimate mystery of an unsolvable murder.

In order to give people a fake lead, he then ate the cake from CRich and created a short spectacle in the cafeteria where he hinted that he was poisoned. This in turn would take the attention from him and make it seem like premeditated murder rather than a suicide attempt.

However what Marshal didnā€™t count on was his killerā€™s opportunism. As soon as Jane mentioned him potentially being poisoned, our culprit immediately checked to see if the status of his poison was true. After confirming it, they immediately rushed the victim to the Chemistry Lab not to kill, but to heal, as they knew that there housed an antidote to Marshalā€™s poison.

As our culprit and victim arrived at the Chemistry Lab with Wazza, Zone, and Italy, they panic at the sight of the empty shelves, meaning that the only possibility they had of saving Marshal was gone.

Italy then revealed that he took the bottles all to himself and then put them back on the desk. Marshal, not wanting his plan of an unsolvable mystery spoiled, then feigned panic and drank a bottle of vinegar while at the same time smashing the antidote to ensure his plan would work.

Marshal then headed to the Recreation Room breathing a sigh of relief that his plan would work, but he did not count on what would happen next. The culprit and Wazza then followed Marshal, and as Wazza left and being that our culprit knew that there would be no way to save Marshal, they utilized the poison accelerant on him in order to at least claim the kill in order to gain their own freedom and deprive the poisoner of their glory.

The victim did not think much of the culpritā€™s injection, wrote a note thanking his would-be killer and falsely exonerating them, and returned to the South Commons, in the meanwhile the culprit then returned to the Chemistry Lab to show the remainder of the party the note, while forgetting the needle, one of the vital pieces of evidence in this case, at the instructorā€™s desk.

Then Marshal returned to his dorm, hid his leftover poison bottle in a safe place, and wrote on his journal in order to expand on his mystery, who would later be hijacked by the person he thought was helping him, all while waiting his demise.

The culprit was frequently checking up on Marshalā€™s dorm to see their passing so they could gain an alibi by being the first one to finding the body, but it was only until DatBird noticed the door unlocking due to the death-by-unlock mechanism was that the body was found, concluding the ultimate mystery that was stolen from the Ultimate Mystery Novelist.

ā€¦isnā€™t that right, Akari Ito, the Ultimate Physician?! (PKR)


Planning on posting case summaries at the end of wrong trials, howā€™s this one?

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Hello There yall

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He used an ability on you

It was pretty much a counter to what you were doing.

This is brilliant

Good job

(Also hi blizer)

This is kinda lol when itā€™s written like this.



PKR played this shit well lol


it was pretty obvious that Marshal poisoned himself (And thats the conclusion that people came to, after going over everything)

But yea

PKR ability go brr

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I donā€™t think it was overly obvious they just didnā€™t think I wouldnā€™t mention being injected when I didnā€™t realize I was injected

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Dude, Zone is going to punch a fucking wall after this trial

straight up



Rip me trying to get into the game as Monomi

Would have been hilarious having a post restriction typing OwO

ftr I think that it would be better if it was said that I didnā€™t notice the injection

becauseā€¦ I didnā€™t notice it, so thatā€™s what actually happened

but that also might be my ego talking because I donā€™t want people to think iā€™m dumb and didnā€™t say anything

Nah its fine dude lol.

I understand your frustration surrounding what happend there, its just unfortunante PKR had the ability that actually countered what you wanted to do lol.

I mean thereā€™s not much that could be done


i wish it were more clear that I was injected at all

because I probably would go for the antidote in the case that I was, or at the very least write down that PKR injected me with something randomly without telling me what it was

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True also

If i somehow get motivation for this

I may make an Resident Evil misc game, on RE1-3 (Shit will be randomized, due to the varying nature of each setting and encounters.)

will likely only have 8-10, cause anymore will likely just break the balance of the game in a way, with the amount of zombies/creatures spawning, Item Spawns, and Encounters with Varying bosses.


i guess marshal would have been outgamed anyway :wowee:

welcome to nerd chat PKR

youā€™re a nerd

when you openwolf and donā€™t get voted



Literally how?