Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

hot diggity Marshal actually had this lmao. I don’t feel so bad about guessing him now, even if he didn’t notice PKR inject him

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Making everyone numb to it was the plan

When I realised Marshal was his own blackened, I regretted my move so much lmao.

I made an oversight and didn’t think outside of the box in regards to what Marshal would do
That…definitely backfired

Welp. This is dead wrong.

Yeah, look how that ended up.
All those plans relied on people following me.
I chickened out during the early Chapter 2, since I didn’t have any way to counter the surveillance system from Chapter 1.

I tried, but I would become too suspicious too easily. In the end… I had become someone who stayed true to myself.

NGL, I really did offer to buff those people.
However, gorta and CRich were AFK.
Meanwhile Marshal and Wazza refused the buff.

Wow. I didn’t expect someone to read me correctly in this misc. Well done! :+1:

I planned to kill Mole as soon as Chapter 3 started. That failed, so I guess Chapter 4 will have to–
Nope, Dat’s arrow would’ve killed Mole first.

Uh… possibly? I thought I already made a truce with eevee.

Alright. Duly noted.

wait no i take it back im scared now

Now play DBD and be tunneled by him for 5 gen :^)

that’d require me to willingly play DBD

ill pass

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Tbh, one thing that irked me this match was how literally everyone was claiming their actions and finds for no reason. Like, dude you just got a damn baseball bat. Why mention it out loud that you got it as now you can’t use it as a murder weapon.

No take-backs.

Dunno about Jane, but I tried doing that with the katana and visiting the dorms.
–but then I want a fully functional log, and before I wanted to commit to murdering Vul, I saw Mole in the A/V Room, and noticed that someone was missing from the Cafeteria.

Then I had the debate with Jane and… I lost my mood to kill Vul.

imagine not having already googled this just to see if you can use vinegar as a valid sustitute for poison

…you’re kidding, right?

Because exploration > escape via murder.
Plus, finding alibi isn’t easy.
–also, we have lots of altruists.

Except that I am in this game. If it wasn’t already obvious by my spite on PKR during CT2, that is.

Speaking of chests, what was in mine?

Long live lore.

Who did I clear?

Tbh I was only gonna murder barehanded or through means that didn’t involve strength at all. I kept hidden anything I actually would’ve killed with

I think Alice didn’t like our lack of bloodlust but trying to solve who mastermind was through piecing together the lore was really fun

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did/was PKR able to find out anything from the dead body of the Mastermind. The thing I’m most proud of this game is figuring out that corpse used to be the Mastermind’s old body.

this is not something i can confirm
but it is not something i can deny either

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Nope, he didn’t.

could he have? or was it just there for flavor purposes