Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

Well unfortunately destroying all the evidence is going to be very problematic in this game.
So I wouldn’t rely on any plans that depend on it.


I think poison is the most reliable murder weapon. However, how will Apprentice get his hands on the poison?

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Probably try to get into the chem lab unseen and try to get it there.
Although I’d prefer to just plain kill someone with a sharp weapon or something.

Looks like NuclearBurrito will be joining us


It’s harder to trace the poison back to the killer. You’d have to find when the killer took the poison and when they applied it.

Yes but the thrill of stabbing someone and having to keep all the blood off of yourself.
Poison is the coward’s weapon, if I was in the game I’d try to create the most elaborate murder plan and get away with it, not do it in the safest way possible.

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Yo can we get bombs in this game?

something something Cultists :^)

No I just have a blood fetish, duh.

if anstreim played this game he’d rand mastermind kill or be killed immediately

Hiding the murder weapon on you might be a good idea actually, if no one thinks to search you.

I’d stab someone and hide the murder weapon on me the whole time.

I wonder if people would even contemplate murdering me tbf.

I wouldn’t kill Anstreim

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a lot of people would i think


i’d probably kill the fuck outta anstreim tbh

mostly because he’d kill me if i didn’t

You are one of the few people I’d contemplate cooperating with.
But I’d still watch my back :eyes:

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