Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

this sounds like bitch logic

ans are you a bitch

I keep forgetting how insufferable you are.

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Weapon-wise Dat has a bokken, Sulit has a crossbow, Marshal has weak poison, and Jane has very strong poison.

And App has a baseball bat.

and i keep forgetting that youā€™re a bitch :^)

how could you forget how insufferable i am

Does this mean the poison is less likely to kill or does it take longer for the effects to take place?

Oh, thereā€™s still some hope? :eyes:

Longer to kill. Janeā€™s take half an hour while Marshal takes 18 hours.

unironically think this fits his wincon better

drink it at SoD and just dick around and randomly die

Iā€™m assuming the dosages are enough only for one use, then you have to dispose of the vial?

Actually, I think Iā€™ll just follow the rest of the game by myself.



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i blame fucking katze for this

Moments after he said this he left.

haha idiotze


i mean yeah ive

already made that connection

you donā€™t have to remind me :upside_down_face:

ā€¦why has nobody died yet?

Sulitā€™s game had 12 people and we literally had a death under 12 hours.

Here we have 16 people and weā€™re almost going to 48 hours without a single death.



because you dont have people starting with bombs that instantly incapacitate people

or dedicated good/evil/neutral people

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Maybe have some event that forces people out of the cafeteria.

Or shut down the power so it becomes dark
