Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

This can only be used during the daily life, so once a body is discovered then Geyde can’t use this.

Oh wait, that’s true.
This is actually pretty damn good.

I interpreted that as masking your lies as truth instead of another way around, but w/e.

It makes it up to host’s judgement, I guess.

thanks checkup, very cool

I… kind of wonder how Centuries will play his role tbh.

if I was cent I would publically reveal to have the above and stay in the kitchen instead handing out these:

Is the first ability able to self-target, or is it just wording?

I thought this removed poisons

im smart

I thought you were suggesting a murder and got excited.
Now I’m let down.

He can eat whatever he wants. White Chocolate can target others and should be primary be used on players you’re hanging with so they can’t murderyou.

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Poisoned food will have an odd taste. Bitter chocolate will make it so the poison is indistinguishable.

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Like, if Blizer is dead then it’ll be very hard to track Centuries down if he kills someone with a piece of poisoned bitter chocolate.

Counterpoint: If Blizer kills Centuries, he will be hard to track as well.

Also I’m excited to see how Mole is going to perform as a MM.

Yeah, Blizer is technically one of the best poisoners with the fact that he’s basically one of the main poison investigators and can play with the dosage to change the kill time.

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how much AP do people have?

AP = 20+Con/3
MP = 10+ Con/5

use this 13.6 times foolproof

and not have enough energy to make it to your dorm


look at what mole posted in the main chat



this is gonna be good

Lmao this is glorious.

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