Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

Thread for spectators and players who either died or won as a Blackened.

Class Cards:

Ami's Class Card

Satoshi Ishionda, the Ultimate Duelist

STR 67 - CON 58 - AGI 35 - INT 27 - LUK 29
Gender: M

  • Honorbound - If you have a katana, a shinai, or a rapier as a murder weapon, you are guaranteed to kill your victim regardless of their stats if they tried or have murdered someone in the past. Passive.

  • Alertness - At the end of every day you will be notified if anyone tried to kill you or not. Passive.

  • Clean Cut - If you killed someone via a slashing weapon, then you will not have blood splatter on you. Costs 1 AP.

  • Disarm - Removes the strongest melee weapon that a player has and drops it on the floor. Costs 1 AP.

Blizer's Class Card

Akari Ito, the Ultimate Physician

STR 38 - CON 47 - AGI 27 - INT 68 - LUK 35
Gender: F

  • Check-up - You will learn if a player, providing they are in the same room as you, is diseased or poisoned. Costs 1 AP.

  • Autopsy - Gives more information regarding a body’s time of death and a more detailed description of the murder weapon, also if any poisons are present in the body. Costs 1 AP.

  • Toxicology - When it comes to poisons, you can delay their time-to-death to twice it’s original or accelerate it to half. Costs 1 AP.

  • Pharmacology - Allows you to identify unknown chemicals and medicines. Passive

Centuries' Class Card

Katsuo Hagimoto, the Ultimate Chocolatier

STR 26 - CON 51 - AGI 25 - INT 49 - LUK 48
Gender: M

  • Chocolate Cake - Creates a Chocolate Cake and splits it into four slices. If a player eats a slice then they will gain 10% of their AP and have their Hunger Bar restored by 80%. Costs 1 AP. Usable only in the Kitchen.

  • White Chocolate - Creates a piece of White Chocolate. Give this to another player and they will not be able to kill you for the remainder of the next 48 hours. If a player eats it then they will have all their stats increased by 10 each for the next 48 hours and have their Hunger Bar restored by 50%. Costs 1 AP. Usable only in the Kitchen.

  • Dark Bitter Chocolate - Creates a piece of Dark Bitter Chocolate. If a player eats it then their Hunger Bar will be restored by 50%. Additionally this chocolate’s taste will mask any kinds of poisons it may have. Costs 1 AP. Usable only in the Kitchen.

  • Cocoa Laxatives - Adds cocoa-based laxatives to a food item, when that item is eaten then the player who ate it will have their Digestion bar raised to 100. Additionally this laxative’s taste will be masked. Costs 1 AP.

DatBird's Class Card

Nariko Sawai, the Ultimate Hunter

STR 23 - CON 54 - AGI 82 - INT 32 - LUK 33
Gender: F

  • Marksmanship - If you have a bow or crossbow as a murder weapon, you are guaranteed to kill your target regardless of their stats. Passive

  • Tracking - You will learn where a player, providing they are in the same room as you, goes once they leave the room. Costs 1 AP.

  • Nocturnal - You will not receive any Nighttime Penalties. Passive.

  • Bear Trap - Sets a bear trap on the ground, causing the next player that enters the room that you’re in to get wounded and trapped. They will not be able to move for the next 12 hours or until someone else gets them out of the trap. Costs 1 AP.

Geyde's Class Card

Haruka Sugiyama, the Ultimate Psychologist

STR 17 - CON 21 - AGI 24 - INT 96 - LUK 29
Gender: F

  • Psychoanalysis - You will learn a player’s true Ultimate Talent provided their Intelligence is lower than yours. They must be in the same room as you. Costs 1 AP.

  • Psychometrics - You will learn a player’s exact stats provided their Intelligence is lower than yours. They must be in the same room as you. Costs 1 AP.

  • Read Intentions - Select up to three players and you will learn the name of one of them that has never committed a murder. They must be in the same room as you and can only be used during the Deadly Life Phase. Costs 1 AP.

  • Detect Lies - Copy and paste a player’s post onto your role card and the host will inform you if the post is fully truth or contains any lies. However, the Mastermind will be able to lie through this action and it can only be used during the Daily Life phase. Costs 1 AP.

Jane's Class Card

Fumihiro Maruyama, the Ultimate Journalist

STR 28 - CON 32 - AGI 51 - INT 54 - LUK 36
Gender: M

  • Breaking News - Allows you to hack into the PA system, broadcasting a message of your choice. Costs 1 AP

  • Hidden Recorder - Records up to three posts or parts of it. You may playback these posts and they will be host-confirmed as authentic. Costs 1 AP.

  • Reporter’s Supplies - You will have an extra private slot that can fit in both writing utensils and paper at once. Passive

  • Preamble - Allows you to anonymously write a post that will be shown at the beginning of a following class trial, and can only be used during the Deadly Life phase. Costs 1 AP.

Marshal's Class Card

Takumi Masuda, the Ultimate Mystery Novelist

STR 24 - CON 47 - AGI 41 - INT 62 - LUK 47
Gender: M

  • Thriller - You do not have a normal participant wincon, instead your goal is to commit suicide and make another player be voted as the Blackened, you also cannot be killed by another player during nighttime. Passive.

  • Genre Savvy - You will know if there are any undiscovered bodies present. Costs 1 AP

  • Mystery Compartment - You begin with two rather than one private slots. Additionally your private slots remain private after your death.

  • Criminal Knowledge - Allows you to identify unknown chemicals and makes it more likely for you to find weapons. Passive

Simon's Class Card

Hideyoshi Shiroyama, the Ultimate Cartographer

STR 35- CON 66 - AGI 42 - INT 39 - LUK 29
Gender: M

  • Secret Passageway - You know that the secret passageway is located underground and links the Art Room to the Warehouse. To enter it you need to push away the marble statue in the Art Room or push away the art supplies crates in the Warehouse. Passive

  • GPS Tracker - You may put a GPS tracker on a player, you will learn their exact location for the next 12 hours. Costs 1 AP

  • Skeleton Key - Once a day you may use the Skeleton Key to open a locked door. Costs 1 AP.

  • Headmaster’s Keys - You may enter the Gym and the Library at night. Passive.

Sulit's Class Card

Yoshiko Kurokawa, the Ultimate Engineer

STR 31 - CON 43 - AGI 43 - INT 76 - LUK 31
Gender: F

  • Repair Device - Allows you fix a broken electronic device provided you have a piece of Scrap Metal. Costs 1 AP

  • Overcharge - If you have a handheld battery then you can cause a power surge in a room or fry an electrical device. Using this in a body of water when there are players in it will kill them by electrocution. Costs 1 AP.

  • Locking Mechanism - Hard-locks a door for the next 24 hours, preventing anyone from going through them. Costs 1 AP.

  • Jam Communications - Prevents communication devices from being used in the room you’re currently in and room adjacent to it for the next 6 hours. Costs 1 AP.

Universal's Class Card

Tsubasa Mori, the Ultimate Forensicist

STR 25 - CON 46 - AGI 42 - INT 88 - LUK 39
Gender: M

  • Blood Analysis - Analyze two sample of blood, you will know if they match or not. Costs 1 AP.

  • Footprint Comparison - Select a room and a player, you will know if they’ve been in the room in the last 24 hours. Costs 1 AP

  • Fingerprint Comparison - Select an item and a player, you will know if the player has even handled that item with their bare hands. Costs 1 AP.

  • Substance Testing - You will learn if there were any forms of substances such as poisons involved in your target’s death. Costs 1 AP.

Vulgard's Class Card

Yui Himura, the Ultimate Mangaka

STR 18 - CON 32 - AGI 56 - INT 74 - LUK 56
Gender: F

  • Shoujo Manga - In the Art Room, use a pen and consumes a paper to create Shoujo Manga. Female players may read this Manga and will remain fixated on it for three hours, once this timer expires their AGI and INT will both be raised by 15 for the next 48 hours. Costs 1 AP

  • Shonen Manga - In the Art Room, use a pen and consumes a paper to create Shonen Manga. Male players may read this Manga and will remain fixated on it for three hours, once this timer expires their AGI and STR will both be raised by 15. Costs 1 AP

  • Isekai Plot - Submit a potential motive to the Mastermind, if they accept it then you will learn the name of a random player who is not the Mastermind and also gain death immunity for the current chapter. 1 AP.

  • Doujinshi - If you utilized the motive given by the Mastermind and have committed a murder then you will have one silent vote counting against you being the Blackened in the coming Class Trial. Passive.

Wazza's Class Card

Tatsuo Ando, the Ultimate Archeologist

STR 36 - CON 71 - AGI 54 - INT 43 - LUK 41
Gender: M

  • Trace Origins - Allows you to learn from which room an item originated from. Costs 1 AP

  • Preserved Finds - For items that are in bulk there is a chance that you may gain more than average. Passive.

  • Archeologist’s Bag - You have three additional public slots and one additional private slot. Passive.

  • Embalming - Use a bottle of alcohol and bandage wraps on a body and makes their time of death unidentifable. Costs 1 AP.

Zone's Class Card

Hana Miura, the Ultimate Violinist

STR 21- CON 36 - AGI 28- INT 68 - LUK 51
Gender: F

  • Lullaby - Puts a player who hears this song to sleep for the next 24 hours or until someone wakes them up. If this is used in the Music Room then it will cause everyone in the room to fall asleep. Costs 1 AP. Requires a musical instrument to use.

  • Crescendo - Guarantees that a player’s next action will always succeed. If this is used in the Music Room then it will cause everyone in the room to have their next action to always succeed. Costs 1 AP. Requires a musical instrument to use.

  • Waltz - Restores all of a player’s movement poins. If this is used in the Music Room then it will cause everyone in the room to have their movement points fully recovered. Costs 1 AP. Requires a musical instrument to use.

  • Enhanced Hearing - Allows you to listen in on every adjacent room, you will know how many people are in each room that is adjacent towards your current location. Costs 1 AP.


Anyone care to make a guess on who’s going to be the Ch1 Killer/Ch1 Victim/MM pre-game?

sure give me a moment to analyze who’s in it

sulit wont be the killer nor victim

one of those 3 names will be marshal

Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a killer, but killing d1 is… eh.

not sure who will be what (especially since MM is just rand)

Marshal, Zone, and Centuries are the 3 names im picking though

  1. Jane
  2. DatBird
  3. Sulit
  4. Blizer
  5. Apprentice
  6. Marshal
  7. Italy
  8. Wazza
  9. Universal
  10. Ami
  11. Geyde
  12. Centuries
  13. Moleland
  14. Vulgard
  15. Simon
  16. Zone

I agree.

I can see:

Ami/Marshal/Zone/Moleland/Centuries/Italy do something like that

as a murderer

Victim would probably be within:


Don’t forget DatBird

anyone who murders vulgard, sulit, or universal gets personally shunned by me

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What are the odds of Uni being a murderer?

sulit wont do evil unless she’s the Mastermind lol

i want to say “literally 0”

Marshal as a murderer is something that is probably likely.
Maybe Italy and Geyde as well.

Vulgard/Dat are prime victims.

No clue on who the MM could be, but the one person I would want it to be is Geyde, actually. I think he’d be able to pull some very interesting things.

Uni is too pure to murder anyone.

He’s probably just going to be the Chihiro Fujisaki of this game tbh.