Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

it’s kind of a double edged sword

PKR’s interference means they just have to solve who was in the rec room, which narrows the pool

but from there it’s difficult to solve

Geez, this is basically the same bad logic on why I think this forum sucks regarding GFs.

Are they suspicious but mechanics point them very strongly V unless some form of tailoring is involved? Then they must be tailored rather than a suspicious villager.


everybody i greencheck is a godfather

Seriously. Uni’s entire case on Jane boils to “I had a green check on them, but they could have used a method that they probably don’t know to generate fake greens.” There’s no argument why Jane’s the poisoner nor why Jane handled the needle.

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I guess I already knew I had no childhood

I wasn’t alive when it could be in my childhood


idk how old alice is but im calling u all zoomers

Also, I’m seriously putting limitations on the check inventory command.

I basically get overworked non-stop in trials because you get like a third of the players here doing
/check Geyde’s inventory
/check Wazza’s inventory
/check Jane’s inventory
/check PKR’s inventory
/check Italy’s inventory
/check Zone’s inventory
/check gorta’s inventory
/check Crich’s inventory
/check DatBird’s inventory
…and so on in a single fucking post and whatnot. It’s tiring, and I ended up moderroring like twice or thrice because of this shit.


that sounds incredibly annoying

in VLDR this wasnt a huge problem but i think if VLDR 2 happens that i’m gonna just keep track of inventories in a copy pasteable format

which sounds a lot more annoying than what i’d do otherwise

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It is.

Every damn time someone does this I need to drop everything I’m doing just to compile a list of inventory in each player.The worst part is that people just do this blindly so in the end 90%+ of inventory checks are a waste.


but alice i need to look at EVERY INVENTORY for CLUES

does anyone have POISON ACCELERANT


what about NOW

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I’ve literally been asked shit like questions about a players’ whereabouts by people in a trial here.

Like, I’m not sure why the hell they’re just clearing PKR rn.

Marshal died to a poison and an accelerant. The needle on the ground shows that it was done by someone around the Chem lab around that time.

This should pretty much reduce the PoE to Zone/Italy/Wazza/Marshal/PKR as nobody else could have injected him. Scrutiny on PKR being that he was the only one who was alone with Marshal, on the room where the needle came, to add.

The poison isn’t even relevant to this case as the poisoner is not the blackened here. How the fuck is Jane even a suspect here? Their explanation to where they got the billiard balls is feasable, and they were never near Marshal the entire day. Uni even has evidence that they never touched the needle but they MUST have tailored themselves despite them probably not even knowing what Uni’s skillset does.

A lot of people here are basically discarding logic and common sense so they can keep their pet theories, and ironically Zone is the only one who’s right.

Yes, I sound abrasive again, but I’m pissed at Jane’s comments, it’s 4 AM and I haven’t gone to bed yet, and I’m a bit drunk.


This is FoL Alice
Expect nothing less

What are you drinking

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Stay safe please


I think it’s possible that Wazza doesn’t know what a journalist is, given how he keeps going after Jane over Marshal’s journal possibly being edited

Zone: I’m gonna snap-vote App.

Zone an hour later:


It’s an actual scumslip

Will the day end if it is impossible for PKR to be voted out or will it require majority/plurality

More dramatic to not end it like this.