Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat

let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action
let spec chat control the slot by all of us submitting one word and you interpreting the action






Also, do we know why Jane dropped that aluminum bat in the first place?

Where’s Moleland btw?

I feel like perhaps there’s a body in the garbage incinerator room :eyes:

And I went boom

There is now. Jane booby trapped it to kill the next person who turned it on.



I was literally about to kill someone as well

welcome to ayaya chat

is moleland gonna live these 36 hours

find out soon:tm:


something something vldr

No joke, I was about to set up a trap in the Library but I didn’t have chance to since I was trying to find something that weighed a lot.

I don’t know why Jane boobytrapped it btw, me and Zone literally watched him go to the GDR.

Jane: ‘hey everyone, I’m going to go commit a murder’

Jane: goes to commit a murder

why do I feel like this is going to be soolit 2


this is gonna be interesting

It will be Sulit 2 except without Wazza figuring it all out.