Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat



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i blame fucking katze for this

Moments after he said this he left.

haha idiotze


i mean yeah ive

already made that connection

you don’t have to remind me :upside_down_face:

…why has nobody died yet?

Sulit’s game had 12 people and we literally had a death under 12 hours.

Here we have 16 people and we’re almost going to 48 hours without a single death.



because you dont have people starting with bombs that instantly incapacitate people

or dedicated good/evil/neutral people

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Maybe have some event that forces people out of the cafeteria.

Or shut down the power so it becomes dark


has someone died yet

not that i know of

Nope, they’re all just exploring.

you give them so much incentive to kill and they just waddle around like they’re all friends


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what’s in the chest?

Originally there was strong venom that Jane took, then he put a paint brush and pink paint on it and gave to Sulit.

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i think sulit is happier with that than the venom anyway

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Well, fuck me.

I put in a lot of hand-crafted lore around this game involving unethical human experimentation, a cloning project, and an abandoned research facility.

So from how other chats are going, people here don’t want to kill because they want to stay in the game to find out more about the lore.

Come for the murder, stay for the worldbuilding, I suppose.


i’d be hella flattered
people love your hosting/design

i want more death but
thats cute

time to host VLDR2 with no worldbuilding at all, only box rooms with no life to them


now I want to hear about the lore

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