Danganronpa - Spec/Dead/Victor Chat


Same, but then none of the characters understood what it meant and I was like ‘maybe it is that obvious’

Danganronpa and Ace Attorney are great games

You should really play it

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Danganronpa has a great story to it as well and interacting with the characters was pretty fun

Story is probably what sucks about DR series the most, other than Junko.

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Agree. Story is all over the place imo.


god this game is fantastic

alice youre amazing


This was a corpse I put in the Biology lab. So the MM has extreme regenerative abilities and the corpse was basically and old body that they had before they regenerated into a new body.


Characters in Danganronpa games: ‘Would I … would any of us … really kill someone? I just can’t believe that’s possible, maybe Monokuma did it’

Players here: ‘yeah I’d kill you if I had the chance, what are you going to do about it’

Players here: still don’t kill anyone


That’s cloning and not regeneration though?

Basically, if they “die”, then they can just make a new body for them. It’s kind of a mixture of the two.

s :b:eve


is soolit about to get :b: onked

Yep. Way too many people have alibis, the culprit being connected to the A/V room, Sulit knowing Kyo was in the GDR as per Wazza’s testimony, Uni’s testimony, and others absolutely condemns her.

I wanna go back and play the MMORPG I’m playing, but holy fuck this game’s WAY too interesting for me to take a break.

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I have no idea why she killed me so early


Ragnarok Online, it’s an old kMMO from 2002-2004.

Oh I see. Is it still popular?

I’m playing on a pserver with 4k-5k online rn. Tried getting back to officials but the fact that it’s dominated by microtransactions and botting makes it impossible to return to it.

im only quoting this to fit in

also get called out @Chloe