Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Everyone has a story in mind that passionates them, this is how creativity is born. :orange_heart:

min is probably just town

their posts dont make me wanna throw up
opener is comfortable and doesnt feel very ‘how do you do, fellow kids?’ which is a good look - especially considering they dont know everyone in the roster and might not be as natural with a wolfrand

honestly solid iso
lack of presence today is whatever - their activity is fine on d1/d2
it doesnt feel like theyre afraid of confrontation
bitching about how theyre being scumread for nothing is absolutely NAI but im townreading it anyways because brain go buzz and i feel guilty

of the people i know in this playerlist i’d honestly say min has one of the more solid wolfgames - their ranges overlap quite a bit, and i always have a rough time reading them tbqh. i respect it

think they’re villabroing here after ISO though

would still love to see more of you tho when time permits @min
always appreciate your thoughts and memes

1 down
500 isos to go


Nika: Town read

Overall I feel pretty good about this slot. The reads they gave me match up with their interactions in the thread and in very many places I really felt they were genuinely scum hunting. The only inconsistency from what they told me was a flip on Chloe’s read but that makes sense in context to the player change and the timing.

I find stuff like this everywhere voicing original points and their pushes do not seem opportunistic. Their specific focus on how others reads are developing their reads feels really good to me. They also do not appear to just be handing out stances with every position they take having plenty of reasoning backing it up.

A part of me was kinda pinged by how often they go off on tangents with me that made me wonder if I am being pocketed but it did not feel intentional and I was not able to see anywhere where they seemed to be ‘guiding’ or manipulating me. That and I can’t be too critical when I do it myself. I also like how out of the 3 players I pinged asking for clarification for reads they were the only one willing to pop up and clarify exactly where they stood.



I was digging through Derps and noticed something someone posted and I am not motivated to pressure them. Just threw out a post on my thoughts on Nika.

But yeah, for the most part those are the slots I am sorting. I have had good feels on Zone but I have also not really looked into them.

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/vote Aelin @osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

easy game easy life tbh

EoD1 paranoia fake as shit
emotions feel plastic
theres no oomph to her cases and reads
this just feels like vig10er aelin (wolfgame)

there is nothing in this iso that makes me happy

can die thx frens
gimme pelt

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shes been consistently pushing villagers and not putting as much into her reads/cases as i know she can as a villager

going heavily utr
not getting nearly as much attention as she should be

get me out of this game

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Eh? I thought her pushes were genuine? I mean, they’re really a null to me.

I dislike your Aelin vote, Chloe.


Not sure yet.

i dont know if shes having a bad week or something but she has the most monotone iso on this goddamn planet and it feels like shes a straight up robot

i dont feel

she just exists

its an empty nothingburger iso

why is she not getting put under the spotlight and pushed and shoved by wolves

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i’ll figure out how much i believe my read after i sleep on it

but i think issa hit tbh

Watch out for what you say, they might be offended.

I’m back! Anything new? (Sorry I’m still very bad at knowing which way to catch up effectively)

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Chloe! You’re here! Any new reads since last time or any progression on Helz/Guill?

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I’m coming around on both Helz and Guill but definitely need to sleep on it
I’ve been in thread too long and I’m echo chambering in my own head which isnt helping much

I think min is a villager
I think aelin is a wolf
Both of these are explained in my recent posts

I’m honestly about to fall asleep bc im exhausted, sorry

Good night :zzz:

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I’m with you on min, I forgot about it but remembered after seeing Helz’ doc. She had a towny push on me d2.

No idea who Aelin is, so I should probably look that up

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Read through Aelin’s ISO. Not w/w with Wiisp/Luku/Min but they are all likely town anyway.

All right I’ll vibe.

I also agree that there is at least one wolf, possibly two, on the Tilg wagon. Out of everyone on that wagon, I would look at re-evaluating or examining Nikamura, Zone, and Aelin.

I’ll need you to explain your Zone and Aelin reads - Zone has been kind of a massive blind spot this game for me because they are on at weird times and not many of their posts have moved the needle for me one way or another. I liked Aelin Yesterday because of their case on Wisp, but they have… somewhat dropped off today, plus it’s compounded by Wisp claiming Babysitter.

I was really trying to read into her posts on Day 2, but I couldn’t really come up with anything. I stuck to my Tilg vote because I thought this post was a potential mindset slip:

Talk to me about how I have been letting you steer the thread/encouraged you to lead the town? I thought I’ve been pretty aggressive about using you as a rock to guide my reads of specific players (min, for example) but I don’t think I’ve ever done either of the things you’ve said.


How was it opportunistic? I literally said that I got cold feet on Blitz because of their reactions to my questions at EoD, and I voted Tilg because I thought they mindset slipped + you wanted people to vote for them. You telling me to vote Tilg at EoD yesterday then shading my vote as opportunistic here is kinda skeeving me out, not gonna lie.

This, I can see. I had Helz as one of the townreads I was considering re-evaluating. I previously liked his process with regards to Lukundo, but I think it is fakeable and his posts/stance today I am not particularly favorable of.

I have liked Merc’s posts at SoD3. I also think if Merc is scum, her team doesn’t kill Kaif in the night based on how Merc tied her entire D2 identity into pushing him.

Luk, can you talk to me about why your townread on me is so strong? I honestly don’t understand and/or forgot you talking about your read on me. Not really sure why people are townreading me right now tbh (though this was 1000 posts ago, so)

Could you talk to me about Zone’s scum/town meta more in-depth? I barely have any experience with him as a player.

I’ve enjoyed Chloe’s posts since they replaced in, but one thing that I am unsure comes from Chloe wolf is this line:

I don’t know their meta, but I feel like scum!Chloe would have a much more agenda driven push on Helz and it would be more… binary? Instead they list off a bunch of concerning things about Helz and then follow it up with this sort of deliberation about playstyle that I feel like… would not bother to enter scum!Chloe’s head or they would not stopgap themselves like this. Especially with this post later (and Chloe’s subsequent re-evaluation on his slot):

It’s kind of a weak read but I saw similar things in Helz where I thought they were really wolfy/fake in their first couple of posts but I had to remind myself that they come from a completely different mafia site than I am used to. I guess a mini-mind meld is the word I’d use here?