Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

or forgot

Yes, I was talking about PKR.
Yes, the thread was talking about PKR.
PKR is such a hot topic because he’s partially meme-material at this point.

The problem I am having is that (I may have misinterpreted) your post as if you associated me with PKR. By “association” I meant like the Wiisp/Zone W/W read that Tilg had.
I don’t recall any of this, which is why I went and confronted about you regarding this matter.

Am I like… not memorable at all?
Lemon, I know you under a different name too.
That’s all I’ll say

I am also interested in @Blitz’s progression on me, given that I do not think my posts so far have been very alignment indicative.

What makes you think Mercenary has more experience with me? This is the first time I play with the player.

I haven’t read anything scummy into your post but I’ve seen situation where scum will soft push with little to no reasoning to later buss and claim towncred so that’s why it made me wonder if it’s distancing, however the subsequent post don’t match this initial hypothesis.

What irks me now is that PKR said he’s trying his best to provide his reasoning…but still didn’t give any.

@osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

hmm, I’m not too sure about prophy, I just gave the names I felt were most intresting aside from a few I had townleaned at that time. think I might have associated someone else wtih then while I was reading through and upon a second look at their posts, I realized that they haven’t said anything particualarly alignment indicative.
As for Kaif his playstyle seemed quite distinctive which was the main reason I had called up him

This is my first game with Guillotina. I just have experience with VIs as I was one.

I like how you write, though. Fancy words are my thing. What do you think about Helz?

I think Guillo is trying to balance going crazy and trying to get people to vote him with not accidentally getting himself hugged D1. It’s kind of like lucid madness.

imo this might be something a town that thinks too highly of themselves would do to try and “trap” wolves with their personal safety on the line (that the mindset I think would make the most sense since)

your name is in the top 3 most memorable names if it helps


oh I didn’t say vote lol

VOTE: PokemonKidRyan
@osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

All his actions feels particularly planned in the grand scheme, I mean there was no chance that he would get lynched at that time( atleast I think so) so his self-voting action felt more like a prod to genarate a response more than anything to me

what?! shook

also, I thought the K was for “kid” but I wasn’t sure and couldn’t connect it

What is your read on Mercenary? @Prophylaxis


Yes, Only twice on FM but easily over a hundred times on the SC2 mod.

A lot of the strategy depends on if they are aware you exist. I felt like there was decent Jester equity because you seemed to get hyper and happy while pushing your own train which is a very unnatural response in some respects.

Sorry, I’m just having a tough time focusing given how this forum layout is set up, and how many posts in the midgame have been made that I just /have not/ read. Here are just some impressions I had of the first 300 posts or so:

  • Helz’s first couple of posts felt strange to me because he was trying to play seriously while most of the thread was fluffing. In particular his vote on Erika early was very weird because it was pretty obvious Erika was just RVSing/joking around, but Helz kinda took things way too seriously here:

Like… I don’t really believe that his first two questions are things that town!Helz is actually thinking. He had some later posts that were kind of okay, but that one just stuck out to me as something that felt like overreaching.

  • Zone Q11, Windward I generally had good feelings about reading their posts. Windward was mostly observing/lightly prodding at things without taking serious stances herself, but I didn’t really get a malicious feeling from her posts. Zone feels decently inquisitive and I kind of mind-melded with him over poking at Blitz.

I don’t really have other thoughts because there’s a giant gap of posts that I’ve missed, but I do want to hear more from Helz, so:

Vote Helz

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yeah, I can’t remember anything

At what moment did you come to this conclusion? Right at the moment I self voted or when?

why leave so soon?