Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

How do I learn my flavor I tried looking it up and I’m so confused


I did when i first placed my vote on them. I’ll go into more detail in a bit but I have a meeting soon so I’m just catching up on reading for now.

thoughts on Silviu while catching up, before the Mason confirmation

Well, I pointed this out earlier and the people in the thread at the time jumped on me instead, saying my argument against Silviu was irrational iirc. So read into that whole interaction again if Silviu flips wolf. Also, if he’s a wolf here it would be his first wolf game, so that’s why I’m having a hard time placing a read on him even if I hate to admit it. There’s nothing to compare to. I do think, however, that if he’s a wolf, he’s focusing on my slot and min’s to avoid spewing his teammates. The thing is he hasn’t really given opinions on anyone else, and I’m not even sure I can say he’s tunnelling. He just wrote one very bad case on me and then picked on min for a while without giving reasons. As I also said before, I can’t even say this is out of Silviu’s townrange because he hasn’t played many games to begin with, has only ever randed town, and he’s got an unusual playstyle that is completely different to mine. Honestly I’d rather get him with a vig shot than resolve him with a day elimination, but that’s a personal preference.

Oh wtf, ok then

I don’t know if I have anything other than meta on min, honestly. It’s just that they’re defensive as either alignment and often react terribly to RTs, but the extent of their reaction and whether they push people back for it sometimes gives insight into their alignment. And as I said earlier, i think min would’ve been more nervous from PKR’s vote on them at first if min were scum. Their reaction NOW is not chill, but their reaction to the first vote as I said, was. So if min actually is scum, then PKR is also scum, I guess, because I can’t think of why else scum!Min wouldn’t be worried about that vote in particular. Min’s read on me also came across as something I think that’s genuine.

This i believe 100%. The thing is that I wouldn’t necessarily expect Silviu to RT like that without checking if it was a good idea first, as weird as it sounds for me to say that, so I’m willing to believe this without questioning it.

Off the top of my head I’d look at Luke, Lemon and Wiisp first, and min and Merc if none of those are wolves. I have a strong TR on Nika at the moment and a townlean (or at least, “not scum”) on Aelin for her interaction with me.

I saw some well explained cases against Silviu, but the thing is that it’s extremely easy to make a case against him because of the way he went about his RT, so I’m not going to bother looking into the cases against him at this point. Speaking of people who cased Silviu, what’s the case on Nikamura?

Unknown and either non-canon or a side character from what I can tell. Ftr since PKR and Kaif seem to be in the same place, I assume this was intentional.

More sus than I originally thought. I didn’t like his reaction to picking out who was scummier of you or me because, as I said before, I thought there was at least a chance we could be T/T. Our interaction didn’t guarantee there was a wolf between us.

Yeah, I considered RT but thought you wouldn’t be that gutsy without checking if it was a good idea first so I thought it probably wasn’t an RT lol. Checking with the other masons fits what I thought you’d do (sorry if that’s a weird expectation).

I know you kept saying I should consider the purpose of what you’re doing, but like…you aren’t supposed to hint during an RT that it’s an RT, so I thought it made it less likely to be one :joy_cat:

Ehhhh idk, Ive been wrong before on min (when they were a neutral) so I could also be wrong here. The hyperfixation on the wagon is, as you said, not so great. It looks like all of the masons also concluded min was scum, too, so maybe there’s something I’m missing.

Imo, not quite in that way, but he does get sussed early on in a lot of games.

Yes but you literally picked out which of us two was scummier and voted Silviu, so that doesn’t match up with saying we could be T/T. Care to explain the vote?

That still doesn’t explain why you wanted to vote Silviu over me, and you’re only trusting him now as a confirmed Mason. This readlist means you read us as W/W in that interaction but you just said we could’ve been T/T.

/vote TheLukundo
@osieorb18 @EliThePsycho


I believe you’re under the Confirmation bias - Wikipedia (backfire effect), please remember that people change their opinions at all time and Wind was impulsive when I accused her at that time.


Votee Voted by Votes
Silviu200530 Lemonfairy, Nikamara, Wiisp, Mercenary, Aelin 5/11
Kaif Nightingale, Guillotina 2/11
Nikamara Marluxion, ErikaFurudo 2/11
PokemonKidRyan Zone_Q11, Silviu2005030 2/11
Helz Prophylaxis 1/11
Lemonfairy Blitz 1/11
Mercenary Tilgarial 1/11
min Kaif 1/11
Nightingale Helz 1/11
TheLukundo WindwardAway 1/11
Not Voting min, PokemonKidRyan, SirDerpsALot, TheLukundo 4

Remember to tag the hosts and make your vote extra visible (Separate line, bold) if you want it to reliably be counted. (This includes Eli.)

Osie is going to sleep now but will try to look at the thread in about 3-4 hours, and then should be around for deadline too.

That’s funny, my reasonings were exactly the same as the others who gave reasons later in the thread and yet you aren’t sussing them for having bad cases against Silviu.

@osieorb18 I just voted Luke lol

I literally am so confused

Hi windy

feign confusion mode ??

It’s not a top tier wall it’s me catching up as fast as I can before I have to go for a meeting lol

Hi min

I tried to look up my role like the flavor because marl wants to know our flavors gender for some reason but i dknt see anything

You could be T/T but you were both scummy.

I’m taking my chances on a possible scummy town than a possible townie wolf.

Also can I just say tg wording in my rolecard is so weird

I wanted to vote Silv over you cause Silv’s reasons were worse. I never read you as w/w. Quote me where I did.

Min just woke up check

I think Osie did that on purpose. Children get paired as male-female to control a parasite in order to pilot Franxx. But I think all the children in this game have non-canon numbers so we can’t determine our genders without guesswork.

Who else commented on that TMI you mentioned then?

You put me as a scumlean, so if you thought Silviu was wolfier than me, it implies you thought both of us were wolves.