Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

I mean Marl specifically plays in a way that gets him killed, and then in spectator chat, he will say how he, put mafia into a box

also what does this question accomplish?

to be fair though, he did it to save his mason buddy, and not for selfish reasons at least

Is your name Lukundo?

I can be, if you imagine hard enough
but sure I will allow him to give an answer to that broad question, that serves no purpose

/vote Wiisp if there is one thing i always day kill are white knights.

how am I a white knight?

Why are you answering for Lukundo? Why ate you trying to shade me for asking a question to him? Are you both partners or are you scum buddying Lukundo up? What is your business here?

I am proactive enough, but you are right, that post is pretty NAI from me

how did I answer for Lukundo?
What purpose does that question serve?
What different answer, do you think you are going to get from Lukundo, that the general consensus of the thread hasnā€™t already answered?

What is your business asking bad questions lol

and I have no read at Lukundo atm
also me being a wolf with Lukundo would be weird, given how he voted me at EoD, with a non-partnery reason

Yah you slipped up here. You are def scum caught very stupidly.

What business? My business. Lukundo coming in and pisting crap like that reminds me of his scum game and you coming in here to shade my pursue of him is not good look, you just placed yourself under my radar.

Honestly if I was to take a guess, this reminds me more of his town game, but I have never seen his scum game, so who knows

the only one pissing crap has been you

ā€œoHh KnOw He ReSpOnDeD tO sOmEoNe ElSeā€™S qUeStIonā€
so wolfy

you canā€™t even tell me why you asked the question, and you tunnel on people, then you automatically link others to that person, for disagreeing with you


anyways, this was fun, until next time lol

I have seen his scum game both as partner and host and if he is not you just tried to pocket him.

I asked because I can!

So its a useless question, noted!

It wasnt useless, i caught you scum.

Now i really need to go back to check out Marlā€™s early reads

Iā€™ll take a read through Zone later, but you still think that he is transparent town despite him not showing up for the later half of Day 1 + most of Day 2 so far?