Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Yah we can, i can help you bus your partner

/vote Wiisp @osieorb18

I donā€™t think people are understanding that I havenā€™t had the time to read the rest of the thread/play today.


I see, thank you for your answers

What if answers change over time?

They most likely will, but having answers is better than not having answers

Well, mercenary seems to be on a different page because of their seemingly busy lifeā€¦

Yes, I hadnā€™t considered that/known that
I just saw them here, they commented on a recent topic, I didnā€™t have a good read on them and assumed others were in a similar boat, so I did a quick asking

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Gorta and misty quite taught me that busy/silent people are quite dangerous as they can plan their move and it will be reasonable because they just arrived or ā€œthey just arrivedā€.

ā€¦Gorta is a bit of a special case, i think
But yes, the quiet ones are dangerous too
In more ways than one

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I donā€™t think Iā€™m being currently widely townread.

(I regret asking something to a wallposter.)
Alright, letā€™s read it.

It took me 45 minutes to realize that these are notes of EOD1 and not her actual take on EOD1. RIP my 45 minutes.

Main wagons: Kaif & PKR. Other wagons are in vain; donā€™t matter.
Okay, maybe 3rd wagon matters because Kaif is in it.
Note to self: ISO Kaif for his stance on min & PKR.

I donā€™t really care about the hidden text. Main point is: Kaif sees Luksā€™ interest in Wiisp CFD and wants to join.
Note to self: ISO Kaif for his stance on Wiisp.

I need context. Who insisted Aelin on voting Wiisp?
Eh. Iā€™ll look it up later and make an addendum.

Addendum: It was a response to Wiisp. In other words: Aelin had no particular reason to vote Wiisp. This vote is useless to me.

  • Marl flipped town, so that point is useless.
  • PKR being a fine wagon is meh and all, but I want to know from min why they dislike the idea of voting Wiisp.
  • Aelinā€™s reason to vote min is BS and WKing PKR which is arguably TMI.
  • I kinda need context on Silviu and Luksā€™ vote. Luks is probably sheeping his own creation, but I donā€™t have any data on Silviuā€™s vote.
  • Bruh. Why do you need to tell me that Night showed up? What did she do? Exist?
  • Blitzā€™ argument sounds fishy. He was on PKR, wants to join a new wagon, but didnā€™t in fear of a dead Kaif. From this, I learn that he TRs Kaif so much that he doesnā€™t want him dead D1.
    Note to self: ISO Blitz for his stance on Kaif.
  • What sucks more than CFD1 is me reading Lemlemā€™s summary report of the EOD1 when I only asked for her take/opinions, and then seeing useless stuff like "min says that CFD sucks".
  • Still useless info on Night. At best, I can start asking you whether Night asked that question because she feared that people were dropping from the Kaif wagon, or because she wanted to recruit more people to vote Kaif, but this is useless without context.
  • Why is this Night/min conversation even important in yourā€“

At this point I actually started reading the text above this summary:

ā€¦Lemlem, I really donā€™t like your wallposts. The next time you do this to me again, I will vote you immediately without thinking.

Three-way tie. :unamused:
Then again, three-way tie. :eyes:

  • Aelinā€™s vote makes no sense. You just said that she said that she would rather vote Wiisp/Kaif over PKR.
  • Wiispā€™s vote of self-pres and their supposedly agony of the act is towny.
    (If only I can see the quoteā€¦)
  • I want Blitzā€™ reason as to why he returned to PKRā€™s wagon after switching to Wiispā€™s wagon.

Okay, so why did you point these important reads like a side-note instead of focusing about them in your details/spoiler?
FTR, I really donā€™t care about A and B, but I am interested in C and D. Especially C.

Why would it be unlikely for Wiisp to be scum because of the sheer amount of people willing to switch to them last minute?
Whatā€™s your take on min, if you ignore everything they say about Wiisp?

Why did you bother to mention this if you think it is unlikely that Wiisp is scum?
Why would Tilg look bad ifā€“ actually, never mind this one. It would count as defending Wiisp.

Meh. Seems like a weak excuse from Aelin.
Voting PKR for the memes looks like a better excuse than paranoia.

Read the underlined parts.
I am with Lemlem. This smells like opportunistic BS.
Especially the last sentence.

/vote Blitz @osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

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@Lemonfairy, that took me 5 and a half dozen of minutes to write.
I hope you are happy, because I am not.


I believe the scumteam believed Marlā€™s mason claim. Perhaps look for people who were online around the time Marl outted himself and Silviu and didnā€™t even debate both and just accepted them as a truth. Wolves knew they were not wolves and would probably debate if itā€™s true or false on their chat.

Due to Mark being the N1 nightkill. Additionally they may just have a claimvig.

The only thing that made sense to me are the stuff not blurred.
What was the point of this post? Did you misremember things and thought that I scumread Lemlem?

@Helz @Nikamara
Why was P#4250 ~ P#4300 spent/wasted on philosophy rather than playing the game?

NGL, slacking is fun. Especially when you donā€™t have to deal with 10+ people whose connections you have to remember in order to actively hunt scum.

ā€“Wiisp is null. Proph is town.
I read stuff from Lemlem, but she parroted anything but Wiisp, so that doesnā€™t give me anything.
I forgot why I townread Proph, and I donā€™t plan to find out either since thatā€™d take my time even more.

Yeah. That one.

Why do you talk to me as if I hold some kind of power? I am just the dude with selective short term memory, who AFKā€™ed on purpose for 24 hours of D1 before getting side-tracked by an RPG.

Color me unimpressed. :neutral_face:

FTR, I do read everything, even if itā€™s in the form of skimming.
Some posts of Proph made me TR him, but I donā€™t remember which.

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EOD2 is in 23 hours. I can afford to be AFK again.
Bye folks!

Yah i think one of those two are scum if not both. I think Lukundo would openly invite other players to vote his scum partner because that is how ive seen him distance himself. If he is town here then i dont know what is his game cause he is playing close to his scum meta and as far as Wiisp, i dont think he handle himself well with me last night, the reactions were scummy in a way that attempted to discredit my scumhunting way and was veryā€¦ mocking about the way i found him scum.

You have the power of your vote, and you made me question if you are using yours well, regardless of your alignment

In other words im ok with yeeting between lukundo and wiisp and strongly recommend investigating between Tilgarial and Blitz