Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Kaif town

I gotta get to bed soon if I want to be up for eod. Anyone is welcome to ask me anything I can answer off the top of my head if they want a fast reaction from me, or just to understand what I am thinking

Wisdom town

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but tbh I apologise for being lazy d2 since now I do not quite have any reads

What is your reasoning for your read?

(Talking to both of you on etchother)

He said I am town so I reciprocated.

honestly I am scared of windā€™s big wall post that is incoming

Uhh. Wut now?

its a joke I donā€™t have a particular read on night slot

Why did you town read them thenā€¦?

Just thinking they would know who I was if they were wolfing, considering itā€™s been 14 hours since I joined. It seems like I was one of wolves misyeet targets, so that kind of information would probably pop up quite fast in wolf chat.

Wiisp is on silv, kaif, and pkrā€™s wagons. Thatā€™s every eod wagon aside from themselves, and two of them are confirmed. nagl and needs to be resolved.

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Iā€™m a she btw :3 Donā€™t know if thatā€™s information I can provide with in an easier way than just telling you ^^

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Forgive me but you are pinging the fuck out of me hereā€¦

my bad

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vote me if u sr me

ā€œNeeds to be resolvedā€ are four words I never enjoy hearing when playing mafia ngl

Iā€™ve successfully lied as town before, and it was helpful.

Usually when that happens, itā€™s because too many people are typing in the thread at once and discourse just shits itself, but I can go back and check timestamps if you meant it was literally a couple minutes between posts. Iā€™m pretty sure I manually refreshed the page to load the posts, though, which means it was a forum issue.

Also, yeah, I know she shouldnā€™t have jumped to claim as town, but I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s scummy.

In the game Throne of Lies, everyone is a PR, and when accused of being scum, people copy their night logs and paste them immediately into the chat or else they get accused of lying about being town. Itā€™s an impulse reaction but the community promotes massclaiming, at least currently. Idk about Nikamara, though, so I canā€™t speak for her. I think Silviu was just saying that a panic claim is not necessarily a scummy thing.

We know some roles give false information, such as millers or godfathers. A godfather would have the same reaction as a townie if someone claimed a redcheck on them because they wouldnā€™t expect it.

I have no problem reaching top poster by powerwolfing, so Iā€™d suggest you read some of my posts for their actual content and decide based on that. I get cleared too easily for post volume and also get tinfoiled for it, so itā€™s completely NAI.

Is it towny? I think if someone has played only one game with me before and I was town in that game, saying they know my town meta doesnā€™t do much in the current game. Iā€™ve been in games with a lot of people where they were town,and did not necessarily catch them as wolves,even if I compared them to their town meta. So I donā€™t agree that mentioning town meta is a towny thing; itā€™s just NAI to me.

In Umineko 2 I came into the thread toward the end of the game as a wolf when the town was about to hammer a townie (think it was LyLo), they asked me to claim my role and abilities before they finalized the votes, and I fakeclaimed my abilities on the spot and slipped by and won the game. (As side information, I might have been a bit drunk when I did that,and yet I still managed to be convincing enough that they didnā€™t realize they falsely cleared me.) My point is that it isnā€™t so hard for scum to fakeclaim in a panic. In the same game, I successfully passed a redcheck RT that Marl tried on me by acting like there was no way he possibly couldā€™ve gotten a redcheck on me (and the funny thing is that I was a framer).

Probably celebrating his high school graduation. I wouldnā€™t look too much into his activity levels.

I think I asked you earlier about min, too, and you did give an answer, unless Iā€™m mixing people up nowā€¦ Which is entirely possible because there are so many players in this game that I remember the names and the most significant posts but not the less significant ones lol.

bad reasons?

If you hit the timestamp in the upper right corner of each post, it shows the post number there. Or if you scroll so that the post in question is at the top of your window,the post count display will show you the number. I know itā€™s annoying.

Obviously donā€™t ever yeet Silviu.

I still think Guillo is most likely town, but if for whatever reason Wisdom proves to be town, Iā€™d look more into their read on Guillo. I agree with min that it looks more like wisdom is 3p hunting than scumhunting, though, which is a cause for concern.

I see Helz is a highly contested spot still, but I donā€™t want him out today. I think he does provide some points that are fairly towny. Itā€™s not out of the range of possibilities that heā€™s a wolf, but I donā€™t want to resolve his slot today because even if heā€™s a wolf, heā€™s been contributing to the thread more productively than some of the town tbh. He gets some discussion going even if it causes debates on his alignment.

I wouldnā€™t touch Prophylaxis for now; Iā€™m fairly convinced heā€™s town and I am not going to tinfoil him because I donā€™t think Iā€™d ever need to.

I would exclude Kaif and min from the chopping block for today, and reevaluate them tomorrow only if needed. I would rather someone other than Tilgarial, Blitz and Nikamara be chopped as well, but I would also definitely reevaluate those slots tomorrow.

I donā€™t think Aelin is a wolf here but Iā€™m not sure about Wiisp. Iā€™m also not sure about Lukundo. Fine with having Wiisp and Lukundo in the PoE for now but I donā€™t necessarily think theyā€™re both scum, and I think Lukundo is less likely to be scum than Wiisp is, if only one of them is a wolf.

Merc feels like sheā€™s twisting arguments a bit today, partly because I goofed and misinterpreted her post about checking online activity around the time of the mason claim, but partly because I still think itā€™s a little angleshooty, not very useful, and moreso that she was complaining nobody is considering the validity of her suggestion to look into peopleā€™s reactions to the mason claim. While I think that last part makes sense as a starting point to scumhunt, I still donā€™t like the way in which she told people to do it, and I also donā€™t like her complaint that people werenā€™t looking into it.

I donā€™t really have a solid read on Wisdom yet but Iā€™d give them another day to blow me away with their posts, cause right now Iā€™m not super impressed yet.

My gut still says Tilgarial is town but do what you will with it. They just donā€™t resemble their wolf game in my opinion, and I canā€™t really give better reasons for this read.

I think Zone is town and I wouldnā€™t vote him out.

I still townlean Blitz because a couple of his posts came across as being authentic thoughts, although the last-minute PKR vote is kind of worrying. But I asked him for his reasoning and he gave it, so itā€™s not quite as bad as I thought it would look.

Idk what to do with Erikaā€™s slot. Gut also says town but do I have too many townleans now?

Im coming around a bit on the Lemonfairy read, but I want to read her posts more before making a final decision on her alignment. Her posts looked better today than they did yesterday, but in the back of my mind Iā€™m still wondering if she could be wolfing.

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I think Delz and Guill are both mafia and that Delz dislikes townies finding each other for bad reasons.

The wall has arrived!

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