Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

im pretty sure he is calling you townie

Look who voted for you.

ignore the bottom part, for some reason you have to write actual sentences

Who else would you rather target?

When Lemons gives you votes.

Hello lovely people. Gonna start answering replies and catching up now.

I know. I was being sarcastic.

well Ivā€™e been scumleaned by her for most of the day so itā€™s not really out of the blue from her

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I read all of your Day 1 post. you said min is scummy but didnā€™t say why, but that you were opposed to a min lynch.

@Lemonfairy Iā€™m not sure if you did already but can you do an ISO on Blitz?

ā€¦so, are you trying to accuse me of not being productive, or of trying to look productive?
Because thatā€™s kinda contradictory

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you said 3 times iirc that you are withholding reads and you ā€œhave you own reasons for doing soā€ ._. itā€™s in my iso

Erika what is your read on me?
what do you mean by scum influence?
also again these were 3 town wagons, I am 99.9% sure in regards to Kaif
and I know I am town

Iā€™m fairly sure I havenā€™t scumread min this game, tbh
Iā€™ll go fetch all my D1 posts in regard to min, then you have time to answer?

no idea, I usually ignore a lot of things once I find a wolf
I would very much like to see where the trains are at

I wanted to do the getting my own posts on mon thing, but this is literally not the truth
I said exactly once Iā€™m witholding judgement, and that was in regard to making a read in the first place, not to giving the read

Like, are you intentionally subverting your own wagon on me?
I donā€™t understand what youā€™re doing

I am accusing you of APPEARING to be productive while not actually producing anything. that is not contradictory at all. Youā€™re the equivalent of the guy at work who plays game all day and switching the tab back to something that looks like work when the boss walks by your desk.

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meh I really donā€™t want to claim, but I wonā€™t be here for EoD
ill give it like 15 or so minutes

That looks like inner tension.

does anyone have the current votes?

just go back and look at my iso. Itā€™s quoted right there.