Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Wait… it was not a fake red check? Was it a real one?

See? He is here. He is always reading.

Me: I’m home

Guillotina: see look, he’s reading thread!

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He must arrived in thread lol

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Im gonna need to start contributing more because i have done what you are doing as scum.


Im gonna need you to*

So who do you find scummy Guil

Also just to mildly clown on you it’s D2 and I replaced in midway through D1


Sure, what the heck I’ll ISO him

Blitz’s first vote is on me but he said it was a placeholder so idrc about it.
When asked for who interested him, he replied:

Then progressed to:

When Prophy asked about giving Kaif a slight TR:

So Blitz’s explains his read as coming from ISO-ing but doesn’t really go into depth about why

Response to Helz’s question of who he would insta kill:

Again, no explanation?

Possible TMI but tbh I kind of thought the same.

Response to me saying I TL PKR

Don’t think this is sus.

Regarding min:

Doesn’t state a stance here but the context feels like subtle shade-throwing

Regarding my comment on them being inactive:

Regarding Aelin’s comment on Marl’s lack of existence:

Actually, this kind of shows Blitz’s jump on Wiisp’s wagon didn’t come out of nowhere

Self-aware post:

Not sure if this AI actually but I see a lot of self-awareness in some of his posts

This kind of sounds like Blitz has a scum read on Tilga but aside from the first post, he has never really expressed a read like that.

This is in response to asking for a Zone read:

I don’t like how evasive it is

Towny post tbh

Didn’t you think PKR was town before though?

feels uncomfortable

ok I sort of buy that
you TR Kaif and can’t read PKR so you’re voting PKR to save Kaif

What is this? I doesn’t feel right - kind of like Blitz wants to build another wagon but doesn’t want to be the one to start it. I do see both Kaif and PKR as towny so I see where it’s coming from but the question feels like it is somewhere between pockety and trying to avoid accountability.
Kaif responds to this question with Wiisp btw

Response to Kaif:

…this just seems very opportunistic idk

[EOD1 stuff I’ve already analyzed and don’t want to go over again]

In response to me saying EOD was a mess:

Actually, not rushing in here to defend himself is kind of towny

This is kind of towny. Unless he’s w/w with Aelin or something. I don’t think the second is a thing though.

Low-key pushing accountability to Aelin :lemnotlike:

After that is the wall of reads.

I don’t want to ISO anymore so I’ll just leave it at that. In conclusion, I think I’m pretty comfortable placing my vote here unless someone else very scummy comes along.


that ISO was kind of sloppy
but I tried


Can you give me a link to a town and scum game (you’re from another site IIRC right?)

I wanna skim em rq

Point me to one post where i have scum TMI.

Also you’d know if you are scum, i think that is the whole point of my suspicion. The way you reacted to my fake redcheck by claiming right away is weird.

But then again, your style and mine are different, im a crazy goat doing crazy plays, you are more analytical and strategic right?

You said that I knew it was a town fake red check. How on earth would I possibly know that Guillotina. I only know it’s a fake red check. Not that you are townie making some big brained 4D chess more. Dun get it twisted mister ._.

You’ve had plenty of time. I’ll wait.


I should have Bolded and englargened the word town.

Because you said so. Did i misundertand?

I am awoken from my slumber