Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

IDK about you guys, but this is way too much effort for me to read.
@Tilgarial, you are at L-2. Get over here and explain everything from scratch.

If you donā€™t want to read posts >3 paragraphs, why are you asking Tilga to explain it again?

Because hopefully he can explain it 3 lines this time.

Im starting to format my notes. Also ate and took a shower.

I very specifically wanted RVS broken fast because I hate how most players use it and just generally do not think the majority of people have a real understanding for its function.

Theres a number of small indicators I have seen here and there that I would like to keep under my hat for now. I may try to throw together some ultra-soft read wall to try to focus the town a bit. The format this forum uses makes everything more difficult though.

Feel free to ask me anything if you have something specific in mind. Otherwise I will probably just poke here and there while I get organized.

Hmā€¦ Helz, I am uneducated when it comes to this matter. What is the true function of Random Voting Stage, and how does it benefit town to have it broken down as quickly as possible?

Whatā€™s a RVS

(I just learned this now too lol)

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Imo if people use it for a specific purpose, itā€™s no longer really a ā€œrandomā€ voting phase
So Iā€™m not really sure I can agree it has an intended purpose, although I think I understand which purpose you mean.

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I heard the dislike of ending RVS early a couple weeks ago, and truth to be told I never liked the idea.
Without infinite RVS, how would we hold our usual panic CFD at the final hour?

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I will now proceed to make an even longer explanatiom just to spite you
ā€¦or I would, but Iā€™m lazy. Lucky you

IDK about other sites, but my D1 expectations of this site has always been:

  1. Introductions
  2. Useless conversation for dozens of hours
  3. CFD at the final hour and/or final minute

D2 and onwards then start talking about D1ā€™s wagon and motives, coupled with occasional mech talk.

This is some ramblings I did on the subject late last year.

TLDR- Its purpose is to build reasoning you can analyze. Casting random votes does not do that and not breaking RVS just wastes the day which helps the scum.

Because scum is informed and know alignments they have no need for the day phase
Because Town is uninformed and need to hunt they need the game to break RVS so they can close that information gap.


Slight disagree. The memey votes serve no purpose, but the ones that stick or develop into reads, or elicit a reaction out of their target, are worth reading into.

On one hand, I do agree with you that ending the RVS as soon as possible is pro-town as it lengthens discussion
But on the other hand, without RVS i just wouldnā€™t know where to start, so itā€™s more of a mecessary evil

A reaction to what?
Basic RVS?

Oh no, Iā€™m so scared.
I canā€™t believe youā€™ve pushed me and made me crack.
Boo hoo

The first reply to Wiisp, that was unnecessary.

You donā€™t know me so the discredit from your point of view is scum indicative in my opinion or at the very least ill intended.

Report you? Nah! I can do this though Vote: Zone_Q11 @osieorb18

And yes, wildcards like me solve games and get town wins. Iā€™m the kind of player that scum love to take to endgame because they think they can get me mischopped but just when they think they have the game setup to win, i turn on them, present irrefutable evidence, case them and chop them for our win. If you are town you wanna keep me, if you are scum you want to get rid of ASAP.

Hooray me. :expressionless:
Now hurry up and summarize whatever you posted when you gave an example of us being W/W.

(Oh hey, itā€™s the thing people did at MU when I played there.)

Yā€™see, if you had said this on NUF, then I wouldā€™ve 100% agreed with you.
The problem is; this is FoL/ToL, and townplay is so bad that only mech and luck are the only two constants that keeps town away from constant loss.

(Yes, townplay sucks in general in this site, and while some people have the intentions to improve that, not all agree to readily do so as it involves an entire paradigm shift which takes way too much effort.)

Well yes, But you gotta give ā€˜someā€™ reasoning with your vote so it can build into something. By just giving a naked vote it does nothing.

If you want an example just Iso me and look at what I did to break RVS.

Do I think Tiger is scum? Ehhhā€¦ Maybe. And I did overstate my position. But it totally broke the Random bullshit and just a few hours into the game 2 genuine pushes have happened with lots of plays we could draw into association tells. I am happy with it.

