Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Hello Chloe, will you say I’m Oops! Obvtown?

Either you or Amelia from the spectators chat I’ve seen from the previous games that you know when I’m Obvtown for some reason.

Good point Windward, I completely forgot that Lukundo had claimed child

Anyways I have work for 8 hours

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Help, what are the posts after 5860?

Games where ive FPS as town

Upick Game on MS

This one i was a tracker but faked being a cop

I must note that this role is a perfect fake claim to justify not getting killed at night after claiming as well. If Wiisp is scum we cant expect it to be resolved at night.

Am I allowed to say who got sync? Also my third-monke dissapeared from my chat.

Oooh? Who?

A third mason vanishing from your chat with no dead flip can only mean one thing.


Is conversion considered bastard here

Indeed, I believe they were removed from mechanical means… but… should I really say who? I feel like I need to hesitate here.

bruh it was the middle of the afternoon here, I’m on central european time lol

don’t, it might just be roleblocked or something of that nature




Also, I’m just stepping away from Silv’s mech talk for now

Conversion my ass, Osie wouldn’t do that, I’m assuming your I playing they got mechanically removed and are not just flanking?

Also what are asking me in that post u quoted
I’ll be on an off between my breaks today, until later tonight

Blitz, what if you’re telling me to not say it because your supposed true team converted them? :mag_right:

Okay, my comment there is a joke but let’s say that this is what I feel right now

What you mean roleblocked? Mason cant be roleblocked, it’s a passive ability randed pre game.

Does it really? Because I don’t think my rolecard said it.