Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

my true team is just a village, and obviously it’s a bad idea to jump to conclusions >.<

passive abilities can be blocked in some formats I think

Also… how come they are roleblocked for the daytime too?

Oh nevermind, I’m getting the turbo mindset in here.

it might not be roleblock, entirely possible to be something else

Time to expose?

I wouldn’t claim the sync rates btw, since in terms of what I know, it gave me an extra ability, and it may give vanillas abilities, and we don’t need mafia haven’t more info

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mister monke?

I’m really curious of the abilities given to the sync successful players… but I understand.

why are we thunderdoming? I never said it was between you and me and I’m still unsure on your slot. I’m way less certain that you’re scum than I am that Helz is scum and I’d rather vote him out toDay.

because you’ve already decided to bias yourself against me, maybe?

I literally said I had no intent to lead the thread on D1 but Proph and Helz both asked for my opinions regardless of my alignment, and Helz in particular prompted people to sheep me, which I think is bad because I was wrong. And I’m guessing it’s because Helz has TMI that I’m an extremely incorrect townie. You want my claim? I’m vanilla because the person I was synced with (Kaif) is dead so I have no other powers. This is the reason I TR Luk for claiming child first; it’s because I knew that town child was a role that existed and I saw how and why he could get it confused with an innocent child.

I’m claiming now because there’s absolutely no harm in voting me out as I’m not a PR. That’s why I baited yesterday and tried to get people to CFD to me; even if it had happened, town wouldn’t have been any worse off voting me out than another random townie (which ended up being Tilgarial).

my powerwolfing game doesn’t look like this but I don’t expect you to believe me.

I’m not pushing you for those posts. Stop twisting my words and stop making this into a thunderdome when it doesn’t have to be. If you’re town and you’re thunderdoming me, you’re making a huge mistake, but I’m guessing by your reactions to my wallpost that you’re not anyway.

So am I, and have you seen what a fantastic job I’ve done at bussing here? 0 out of 2. If you think I’m scum, help me bus Helz. You said so yourself yesterDay, that if scum wants to bus, town should help them. So vote Helz out first and vote me out only after.

What looks like a town derp, Luk’s claim?

I’ll question you a bit later about this.

Oh, I meant specifically on N1 because Wiisp hadn’t claimed babysitter yet. This is irrelevant to N2, I’ll admit that.

I already figured that much out, but for that matter if Wiisp is town I also think I’ll figure out his alignment within the next day or two, so I’m putting him on hold till then.

I already outed myself with Kaif. I dunno if it’s a good idea to mention anyone else; I’d say leave it up to them.

Yes, that would be bastard

What is up, fellow mason?

I feel like i, missing something here, what is sync? How do you both know what is sync and i dont?

I feel I’ve been mechanically betrayed.

Are we playing the same game?

wait wtf
I have a thought but I don’t really know if we should speculate on this.
It’s definitely not conversion, though, or the game would be labelled as bastard. Most likely it’s a similar role to one that I saw in SFoL 65 where someone had the ability at night to remove a person from a shared night chat for a day.

Same. Normally with Child you have this thing where you’re unable to be killed at night.

I WAS LIKE, FUCK YEAH, then it said. Nah, mate. You vanilla. Glgl.

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how did you miss literally all the discussion about syncing every single day

Synchronization is an ability that the mason has. If the sync is successful then the 2 pairs have a supposed power.

Windy did you already say what power you’ve been given?


idk, should I?

I don’t know. Did you go to hell and back with your pairmate?