Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

@osieorb18 @EliThePsycho vote count sometime perhaps?

Kinda? That fucking sucksā€¦ this game should have been a light game then. 100 posts per day per player or something.


Iā€™m sorry. After leaving I was stewing on this point and realized I completely overreacted. It was angleshooting to begin with and I donā€™t like solving like that. I wonā€™t bring it up again. Because I was back reading I wasnā€™t aware of the current post and when I came back to the present again I zeroed in on you over this. It was bad of me to even consider it in the first place.

Agreed with all of this

Good look for Lemon - felt pure

yeah it sucks lol
maybe we get a new thread

welp guess thatā€™s my bad for not reading the whole thread. I only saw the first quote. didnā€™t see the one with Wind

ugggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh I donā€™t know what to make of this post. I donā€™t know if you genuinely liked my logic or if you were just white knighting for me against Wind.



Probably just town:

Yolo town:

Idfk im super torn ngl!:


This is where my gut is
I feel weird ngl
PoE is like
Super tight

i might be getting snowed by min :confused:
or likeā€¦ proph

i dont know prophā€™s wolfgame but they seem pretty competent - i really like their posts though aa
min has fooled me a billion times


Turning around on Helz as well

I feel like theyā€™re someone Iā€™m going to be able to solve better by results - likeā€¦ alison or alice lol
Let him get some pelts

Feels like heā€™s leading town in the right direction lately and hes lessened his push on me. He reads as a strong player and I feel like its in his repertoire to butt heads with me and push for my ML but lately it feels like theres a genuine attempt to figure me out

Giving him a pass for the day
Fine w/ him atm

Moved min to the ā€˜yolo townā€™ section
Much more comfortable with this
(Itā€™s what you get for having a good wolfgame, min. love u)


With only two mis-elimā€™d villagers thusfar (out of whatā€¦ 16? 17? total) i dont think its entirely productive to break up towncores, as PoE has only proven to be wrong twice
(then again tilga was an obvious villager but lolcfd)

work with eachother and dont give in to paranoia quite yet without proper reasoning
stay the course
get some pelts
get that wim and confidence up

the last game of this size that i played, 3 (4?) villagers had died and i felt like the world was ending because we hadnā€™t found a single wolf towards EoD2
then an ITA hit
a wolf died
and the entire game was pieced together off of a single flip
keep on truckin
(also ignore that i was 3p in that game but heavily townsiding lolol)

I feel like she was genuinely trying to solve my slot when she interacted with me. But itā€™s kind of a weak read and thereā€™s not that much going for her otherwise from my end so Iā€™m not sure how well this reasoning holds up.

I donā€™t think he puts that kind of effort in as scum, although it feels a bit silly to say that. I felt that a couple of his other posts outline a thought process where heā€™s actually analyzing and questioning people as well, which I believe comes from town!Zone.

Oh, I donā€™t have a super strong read on Wisdom. I was gutreading Nightingale as a townlean and when Wisdom replaced in I dropped her down to a null because I needed some time to think over her posts and the way she was giving reads, but I concluded that I donā€™t think sheā€™s a wolf because of the way she just posted her reads without really giving any shits about how she was read for it, and she was scumreading the loud players (Helz, Guillo, and me). It took me until the night phase to really get a grasp of what her reasoning was, and why she had been association reading us as well as why she even had us as scumreads during the day, but I understood it after looking at it again and I think I see it as coming from town. Iā€™m not sure about her ā€œthese are probably all townā€ read on 4 slots, thoughā€¦ that post I admit gives me more to think about.

Not randomly; Silviu outed him. But maybe Iā€™m the only one who noticed because I was the only one in the thread besides Guillo at the time, and I already suspected he was a mason earlier in the game. I donā€™t think he was seriously being pressured but he was definitely not getting townread by a lot of people. But Marlā€™s right; Derps wouldā€™ve been an LHF and now that heā€™s outed as mason heā€™s not getting tinfoiled by anyone.

Because I have other slots to be paranoid about that were louder than yours D1 and D2, and I wasnā€™t scumreading Erikaā€™s slot despite other people thinking she was scum.

You know what, this is an interesting take and Iā€™ll give you credit for bringing it to my attention. I thought scum was just hopping off Blitzā€™s wagon because of what he said after the thread opened, and Guillo said that the scumteam was probably hopping mad they lost an ML target. People just slid off Blitzā€™s wagon following that point and jumped onto Tilgarial who had an (unfortunately) objectively wolfy vote on me, but I didnā€™t consider that ā€œI shouldā€™ve claimed a killing roleā€ could come from scum. I assumed it was just town trying to bait a night kill.

Ok, instead of focusing on scumreads, name your top 3 town at the moment. If we can start building an actual consensus towncore through giving our reads (and not just whatever people are saying is consensus without evidence), we can lock some of the town and narrow down the PoE.


Yeahhhhhhā€¦ I could actually see that as being a legit reason, and when he went ā€œoh shitā€ at my explanation of what I thought a thunderdome was, I think we had completely different ideas, and he wanted us to solve each other (perfectly fine) and I thought he wanted us to gladiate each other (not perfectly fine) lol.

I donā€™t like the tunnel heā€™s been following on your slot and mine, though, but Iā€™m trying to gauge where it comes from. I didnā€™t backread all the Erika stuff from earlier in the day so that might be what Iā€™m missing. He gave his reasons for scumreading me and funnily enough, theyā€™re very similar to my reasons for scumreading him, so I canā€™t even really fault him for that if heā€™s town. Iā€™m not super convinced but Iā€™m still willing to give him a chance because Iā€™m not going to lock my vote on him right now.

Itā€™s absolutely stupid but I read people off their jumps onto me every single time I do this because it gives information and almost always nets at least one wolf. But Derps is a mason and Guillo isā€¦ Guillo. As you said, idk what to think at this point. Iā€™m not turning around my read on him so easily just because he got frustrated in the thread like I did; I can fake emotions as a wolf (or even display genuine frustration) and Iā€™ve seen other wolves do it, so it can be used as a manipulation tactic and I refuse to fall for it regardless of someoneā€™s alignment. It makes me a hypocritical player since I throw my frustration into the thread and then ignore everyone elseā€™s, but I definitely donā€™t expect to get townread off it so I donā€™t really care when I do it.

I saw that, too. Dunno what to make of it yet.

This I can agree with but I canā€™t really tell how much he backread or not, and I donā€™t remember exactly when he was present or if it was around the time you made a case on Aelin, so idk if I missed something or not there.

It feels kind of like you built your case on Aelin but sort of gave up after that. You could try to convince the rest of the playerlist that itā€™s a valid push, but is there nothing new youā€™ve seen from Aelin that you want to add to your case or which makes you reconsider your stance on her slot?

If youā€™re gonna preflip, it means Wiisp specifically is not incredibly in control of the thread but another wolf probably is, so Wiisp doesnā€™t need to push agenda. Either that, or Wiisp isnā€™t groupscum, but then idk why he wouldnā€™t be more vocal about pushing at least someone instead of letting himself get scumread and going quiet about his case against you. I still donā€™t know what to make of it and it confuses me. I thought Iā€™d have Wiisp figured out by now, and it kind of sets off alarm bells that I donā€™t.

correction: this website is fucked
but fortunately we still have 17 alive so weā€™re nowhere near LyLo unless everyone explodes overnight, and I wouldnā€™t be too happy about that.

I hate to say this but I donā€™t like how your PoE looks. Maybe Iā€™m biased because all of my reads are at the opposite end of yours here, but as you said yourself, theyā€™re all low-posters or semi-inactive. Iā€™m not scumreading you for it, but I do think you mustā€™ve townread someone too easily. Who are your top townreads at the moment, since you said itā€™s easier to find town? If you already answered and I skipped over it, then I apologize.

For everyoneā€™s clarification, I did get confirmation that thereā€™s no conversion mechanic in this game. Whatever took Derps out of the mason chat, it wasnā€™t an alignment change.

Yeahā€¦ that was my paranoia over Proph, but he comes across as pretty genuine so Iā€™m gonna shelve him for today as not in the PoE. Iā€™m defaulting everyone whoā€™s at null or lower for today into my PoE so itā€™s a bit weird right now.

one wrong move and the whole town wants your head lol (in Tilgaā€™s case, at least)
PoE has been proven to be wrong twice, but it included more than two villagers. Silviu and Derps have both gotten scumread and theyā€™re masons confirmed by Marlā€™s flip. Kaif was in the PoE but died N2 and flipped town. PKR and Tilga are the only two who were both in the PoE and voted out, but do you see why I suspect one of the louder players is a wolf? Itā€™s just that the narrative in the thread strikes me as blatantly wrong at this point, and while itā€™s pretty normal for town to be completely incorrect for a couple of days, I just donā€™t think we should be giving town passes to so many players.

I think itā€™s more productive to start building a real consensus readlist to work off. If we can get all of the town to work together, we can solve more efficiently, and if we can get the wolves to contribute too with whatever they think their reads should be, we can still work with that information.

I mean that I want everyone to contribute with at least a couple of reads, like 3 townreads is a good start. Itā€™s a large game but it should be less of ā€œa few players dominating the threadā€ and more of a contribution from everyone, including the LHFs, regardless of how much of the thread theyā€™ve read.

@Chloe ur overestimating mr

Iā€™m ready sorry guys I 2as writing something but I ended up falling asleep n I woke up very scarily and abruptly to my parent coming in my room and moving the laptop off of me and closing it so oh my god lmao

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I was terrified that shit was so scary

Getting on topic though

what a way to wake up lmao

can you walk me through what consensus PoE looked like over the days? please
start of game, eod1
sod2, eod2

i mean
i think zone is being given a pass too easily (partially due to the fact that while iā€™ve been in thread i havenā€™t seen him tunnel anyone through the center of the earth tbh. i havent seen the f i r e)
i think min might be being given a pass too easily but thats bc i suck at reading min
proph and lemon imā€¦ unsure of but i really wanna think theyā€™re town?

i dont think i am
youā€™re a pretty competent player and your ranges overlap quite a bit

i dont like
actively want you dead rn
and in fact i think youā€™re >rand v
i just respect your wolfgame lol

ā€œyouā€™re likely town but your wolfgames are good Iā€™m going to put you lower on my townlistā€ is such a weird thing to say

I think ur town and I know you look pretty similar as scum but I think ur town not really less Iā€™ll only think ur scum if u say scummy stuff