Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

I dont know why i scum read Zone during RVS , all i can think of is RT, just RT



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there is a double negative in that sentence and my brain seized trying to figure out what you meant XD

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Yeah Iā€™m a bit sleep deprived and incoherent. Iā€™ll get back to you when I wake up <.<

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11 am? i hate u Osie


RIP Thread. Iā€™m going to sleep now. I will be out tomorrow from 7 am my time and the day ends at 9 am my time. I wonā€™t even have net T^T I donā€™t expect to be back home until around midday so since I will miss all the EoD action, so on the chance Iā€™m somehow voted out ._. or if Iā€™m killed tonight these are my general thoughts.

  1. Chloe breathed fresh air into a previously very scummy looking slot. someone should analyze if her takes are 180 from Erika to solve.
  2. I think if Wind is alive like say Day 6, re-evaluate your Wind read, whatever it is.
  3. Itā€™s not the most active people Iā€™m worried about, that feels tinfoily to me. Start questioning the inactives.
  4. I think the PoE should be Blitz> Wisdom* > Guillotina > Mercenary > Wiisp

Blitz - already explained
Wisdom - I donā€™t remember my impressions of Wisdom or Nightingale and that might be a very bad thing. under the radar scum alarms going off in my head *should question and get feedback and formulate a read in case this is just an unmotivated VT that scum is trying to push.
Guillotina - Doesnā€™t remember his own RVS pushes, claimed two different roles, is a pain to figure out XDDDDDDDDD sorry but itā€™s true.
Mercenary - was the counter wagon to Tilg, thought scum were trying to mislynch her, that doesnā€™t make sense. I have a good gut read impression of her, but then again she used appeal to emotion and that really appeals to me X-x and idk if Iā€™m getting fooled. I didnā€™t case or read too much into this this slot, but someone should and see where the Merc counter wagaon started and why and if itā€™s valid or not. And consider the possibility that it was Tilg who was mislynched to save Blitz or Merc. I think maybe one of them is scum.
Wiisp - Aelin made a case on them Day 1. The kinda been at odds ever since. there seems to be a lot of meta reading surrounding this slot most notably from Proph, but it feels like a paranoid and quite frankly weak read to me. But Iā€™ve never played with them before and maybe others are picking up on things I didnā€™t pick up on. Thereā€™s also the code discrepancy with the neighbour chat but idk if thatā€™s related to sync rates.


Oops lmao.

Where the heck did you get this ā€œrule of thumbā€ from me? Iā€™ve talked with you about mafia theory a fair bit, but I donā€™t recall ever saying something like this.

had theyā€™re instead of thereā€™s in the last sentence*

I canā€™t deny that this site posts too much and hasā€¦ certainly a unique suite of site features. (On a side note, itā€™s amusing to me that this site has the opposite problem as most sites Iā€™ve played on: People donā€™t post often enough and have to replace out often. There have been onlyā€¦ three replacements in a game of 21 this game, and most players have been decently active? Which is really impressive)

I dunno. This is by far the most disconnected Iā€™ve ever been with you in a mafia game and itā€™s really weird for me. Letā€™s start with this -

Sure, even if you think Aelin is a wolf, there are 4/5 (?) other wolves in this game. Who are those wolves?

in powerwolfing worlds, its like between Helz/Guillotine
they are the only two that fit that world


Dont think its zone

and Aelin?

@Chloe - thank you for your explanation on your townread of Windward; it really helps me understand where youā€™re coming from with regards to that read and the meta knowledge is also very helpful. Iā€™ve played with WW in one other game where I replaced in, we were t/t and we easily ran over the wolves that game, but I had no real scum meta to draw on this game wrt my read on her.

I was getting a little skeeved out/paranoid of her when I was catching up, because I did not like how she told me to vote Tilg at EoD yesterday, then shaded me for doing exactly that. However, I buy her explanation of it (which was only looking at the votals) and her later posts yesterday really did show her anxiety/worried mindset. Sheā€™d have to be /really/ good at faking that type of mindset if she was scum this game, and I think thatā€™s a wolf performance Iā€™d 100% be okay with losing to.

(Also just skimming the posts from the Shortnight game shows a lot of that self-fixated paranoid mindset which is present in this game)


@Nikamura - Sure, youā€™re showing me your progression on Merc, which is fine. Have you actively questioned Blitz at all during EoD2/Day 3? If you did, please show me, because I did not see anything like that in my skim-through yesterday.

I have to admit though that this is a good line of thought/reasoning from you that I both did not consider and I donā€™tā€¦ thiiiink a wolf would either?

Blitzā€™s explanation to this makes sense, though it doesnā€™t really tell me much about their alignment.

Thanks; my playstyle is much more suited for long-phase games rather than the 48/72 hour madness that is common on MU/MC but Iā€™m glad itā€™s mostly been able to work regardless.

ladd GOAT, the rocks game I mentioned where he wolfed in has to be one of the most impressive wolf performances Iā€™ve ever seen, even though his team lost

Yeah lmao and I donā€™t know if itā€™s because one of them is woofing or itā€™s because theyā€™veā€¦ both had trouble actually getting invested in this game. Itā€™s tough bc Aelin mentioned IRL issues while I understand where Wisp is coming from regarding how hard it actually is to keep up with this game, so :upside_down_face:

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Can you please tell me why are you editing your posts? Are you not aware that that is against the rules?

Why did you change ā€œshake down the inactivesā€ for ā€œstart questioning the inactivesā€? Were you afraid itā€™d look bad?

Forget about me being chopped, iā€™ll never get chopped unless town wants to angleshoot. You should be getting chopped as stated by Marluxion and Tilgaā€™s legacies. There is no way scum dont kill you after claiming your pr becoming lock clear that only happens when you cant be nightkilled by your own scum teammates, sorry but thatā€™s the true. Itā€™s either that or wolves are a bunch of incompetent players, playing against their own wincon.

Now as far as legacy goes.




Derps (pending on whether he comesback to mason chat or not tomorrow)




Some things worth of note. If Lukundo flips town, then Chloe TMIed Lukundo as town. I caught Chloe on that one and let Chloe know that i caught that and i dont think he/she addressed that.

Nikamara push on me is fake. She is scum reading me because

  1. i claimed two roles. Itā€™s no brainer what im doing and she and her scum team want me to out it. She is trying to force a real role claim which qualifies as ROLE FISHING, something very characteristic of scum behavior. Im a PGO and you may corroborate the claim by paying me a visit :wink:

  2. Because i donā€™t remember my RVS phase, like who does remember that madness?

  3. Because she does not understand my 180 turn on her when i have explained in detail why i turned on her.

Every time im willing to accept Windward is just town, i read more posts by them and make me hesitate. I donā€™t know if itā€™s a playstyle clash, or itā€™s because i may be tunneled or simply Windward is just scum, but i dont think i will be able to come to terms with myself and remove her from my PoE.
Luckily for WWA i only have the power of one vote in case im wrong, if i am, im sorry Wind.


Not sure if this post is actually alignment indicative or not, but it feels genuine either way?

This is really weak, but my gut is telling me that scum Wisdom would probbbbably be a little more engaged with the game because her scumbuddies would help catch her up? As opposed to the world where she replaces town Nightingale and is just completely friggin lost (I would be lost too if I replaced into a 7.5k post game)

My only worry with this post is the self awareness that theyā€™re a low hanging fruit, but the rest of the post feels Real, but the thing is idk if this Realness is actually AI or not

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hmm I forgot about Wisdom, but I did like his entrance into the game


I wanted to ask you specifically because I have you down on my notes as someone who was pretty townie Days 1 and 2, but you kinda dipped in activity today.

Have you actually read most of Day 3 yet?