Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Welp. Okay.
Back to being useless I go.

They were doing alot

Like alot

In the little chat we had, and it didnt look performative because she didnā€™t carw whether I was there or not

Probably less ai but I still liked how she ended up picking a target when I slept through before sod instead of letting us holster because of it :white_heart:

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Because I feel like our role was kinda important

I do wish we used it on someone else looking at it now

We donā€™t really decide who gets a chat

ok lemon is going to wallpost now
run away if you donā€™t want to read it or something

It was not me I wasnā€™t in the chat to weigh in on it

Here is a lovely (not) wallpost in response to @Prophylaxis

Pinging @Chloe because

I will start from the first point:

Honestly this feels like hindsight bias to me. You thought it was fine before and even felt the same way as me but as soon as you scumread me, it all just looks like TMI to you. Iā€™m working from the angle of trying to find my towns before putting the rest in POE and I thought I was doing alright until I realized that I wasnā€™t happy with my POE of low-posters.

Iā€™m not afraid to push people and then be wrong about it but I am afraid of pushing someone wrongly while doubting myself because Iā€™d be ignoring all the signs that tell me Iā€™m wrong. Iā€™m also afraid of mis-clearing someone (as I had with Wiisp) which was why ā€œtownreading too many peopleā€ was concerning for me. I think I wanted someone to talk with me about those reads but I think only Wind responded. I wouldnā€™t blindly clear Wiisp like I did if I had TMI.

I did a quick ISO to look at these ā€œhorribleā€ interactions youā€™re talking about and noticed they mainly consist of me commenting on something Wiisp had said and then getting ignored by Wiisp. I comment on other people too and sometimes, they actually reply back - which is how interactions begin. Wiisp ignored me for the most part with the exception of that one time they pinged me about my immediate TL of Aelin after Aelinā€™s wallpost casing Wiisp. Honestly, Wiisp isnā€™t even in the thread a lot so itā€™s not surprising there arenā€™t a lot of interactions there.

I had Wiisp as SL initially but then I saw their interaction with Aelin was T/T because they seemed too honed in on each other and Iā€™d expect scum to be more motivated towards pushing their mislynches onto town rather than tunneled into a two-person world. I then just kind of ignored the both of them because I didnā€™t think itā€™d lead anywhere. This second part about it feeling like I was pushing villagers is contradictory to your previous point about feeling like I was TMIing and was ā€œtoo scared to push villagersā€. Again, I think youā€™re just viewing everything I do as being scummy and ignoring the bigger picture here.

Because Silviu made an awful case on Wind (kind of like how youā€™re making a bad case on me right now except your case is a little better). Silviuā€™s case being an RT explains why their case was so bad. Iā€™m wondering if youā€™ll offer me any explanations about your case on me?

Yes, I was town-reading PKR D1, mostly from tone and gut but I felt it was a pretty solid read. I was talking about that for a while and even managed to get Nika to change her mind and not tunnel PKR. I thought Kaif and PKR were both towny and wasnā€™t sure on Wiisp. The rate at which everyone CFDā€™d Wiisp made me think they were v/v/v wagons. Hence my analysis of EOD1 was based on a universe where those three wagons were town. Erikaā€™s slot looked a lot worse to me than any of the wagons at that time.

I think Iā€™ve already explained my absence in an earlier post so I wonā€™t go too much into it. Honestly, I felt burnt out from reading and discouraged about my reads (i.e., the bad POE I had).

Vomiting is a bit rude but I will say that I also found your case on me to be gross. Again, I canā€™t interact with someone who just ignores me. Commenting on posts is just my default setting unless someone directly talks to me. I honestly donā€™t understand how that made you so convinced that Iā€™m scum and this might by OMGUSy but Iā€™m also struggling to see your motivation behind this case as exploratory (town-mindset) rather than scummy and pre-mediated (as in, to me it looks like you just decided one day that I was scum out of nowhere and then ISOā€™d me for content to build your case from).

Sorry if I sound cranky and I hate making wallposts almost as much as Zone hates reading them.

I donā€™t read anything that doesnā€™t mention my name.
I just skim and ignore them.

If anyone else wants to make a case on me feel free to.

Lemon will fite you >:[
(after taking a break probably)

I shouldā€™ve pinged you ahahahaha

then 45 minutes later you realize itā€™s completely unrelated to you

That wouldnā€™t have done anything. Yourā€¦ what is it, analysis on Wiisp? That has nothing to do with me.

yeah, itā€™s completely unrelated
I just wanted to bring misery to more people I guess

ok I will stop before I turn into some malicious fairy

Bring me misery by giving me something to work with.
For example, spread me your beliefs (i.e. scumread) on [insert suspect name].
I S2G if itā€™s another brainwashing propaganda thoughā€¦ :anger:

I will later if I have time

also please never bring up that game again or I will mention you every 3 sentences on every pointless and unrelated wallpost I make hereinafter
(I finally have something to threaten you with)

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ā€¦yā€™know what, thatā€™d probably get me interested into playing the game.
Letā€™s do it, Ms. Sheepherder! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

(ā•ÆĀ°ā–”Ā°)ā•Æļøµ ā”»ā”ā”»

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Lemonfairy turning into Sourfairy