Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

yeah that’s what I was referencing in my reply to Zone, too. It was in Lemon’s ISO on Wiisp.

Hm… Fair enough.
This is enough to make me want to shift to Helz.
If anyone (from America) needs my vote, tag me.
(Though, I’d probably be asleep when you’re awake, and awake when you’re asleep.)


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Hrm… okay. That’s enough to nulltown/townlean min.

im reading this and words arent sticking in my brain
cant focus
taking a break then will read again

Just opened the thread, scrolled to the bottom and saw a reply to this.

If I could be any less ambiguous about the fact I don’t have time to play or have access to a computer or my notes please let me know.

I’m seriously going to be laughing at you once I flip.

Also someone asked me for my code. I don’t even know if I have one. Looking at my role pm my role is Town benefits cop and my flavor is Papa so do what you can with that.

what I found that he said about min. pure backtracking and likely shade.

oh he backtracked on Erika/Chloe’s slot too cause he said Erika was very likely town before this post.

i got too lazy to ISO more but uh yeah
that’s everything of note and probably disorganized and lacking comments cause i tried to sort the posts into relevant categories but then gave up

oh I wasn’t referring to toDay, sorry. I was referring to previous days, when you did have time to play and had access to a computer. Not faulting you for your activity.

OH ok.
I believe your role claim and I believe your flavor claim. It’s only your alignment claim that I’m still questioning.

Zone’s Unofficial Votecount

Accused Voter Number
Helz TheLukundo, Wisdom, Chloe, min, Lemonfairy 5/8
Lemonfairy Zone_Q11, Whysper 2/8
Wisdom Blitz, Helz 2/8
Whysper Nikamara 1/8
Zone_Q11 Mercenary 1/8
Not Voting Aelin, Prophylaxis, SirDerpsAlot, WindwardAway 4
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I still want to vote Helz
if he’s not giving his info then I’m not really sure keeping him provides a benefit to the town. Why have a town rolecop when outing the info only benefits scum? It doesn’t benefit the masons for sure, since they’ve already synced everyone he’s claimed to check so far, and it doesn’t actually help anyone other than the masons (to know whom to pair) and the scumteam (to know whom to kill). The rest of the town doesn’t need to know.

NB: I don’t mean to say I want Helz to out his info; I just don’t see it as beneficial to town to out it anyway, so I don’t think I care even if we do yeet him and he turns out to be a town rolecop.

I mean to say that I personally, as vanilla town, would gain no crucial knowledge from knowing what roles the checked players could potentially become. It isnt something I’d concern myself with.

i wish i had marshal here
which is something i rarely say (ily marissa)
need a peptalk

i always get doubts on the people i push
especially if they start AtEing or shittalking

still think this be woofin but goddamn
every. single. time.
i swear

don’t get coldfeet, it’s a strawman. I’m not pushing Helz for his activity and he should know that. He’s chalked up my entire case on him to paranoia when it’s beyond paranoia at this point and should be evident to anyone reading my case.

im not moving im just noting one of a thousand reasons i should stop playing fm :^)

oh mood lol

but I like solving :frowning: so I keep playing because I want to be right and let my ego skyrocket postgame.

Hold up. Something isn’t right.

If we’re playing 16/5, then we have all scum. Otherwise, in a 17/4, the last scum is among Nika and Merc.

Whysper isn’t dead yet, what is this?