Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win


I would definitely also be scum in all my games by that reasoning, but itā€™s also why I get scumread in every game at least at some point.

and yeah, I wanted to see whether you and Chloe thought thereā€™s W/W potential between Helz and me because I just assumed Helz was going to flip wolf and didnā€™t question it at all while I questioned Whysper.

im being serious lol

also your paranoia was expected and honestly really funny considering the chat i had in my sync hood last night about how i expected exactly this haahahah

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oh I know you are, I can tell
itā€™s just very funny because this is exactly the point where I get paranoia about you and you call me out on it before I hit Reply lmao

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wolf, town, 3p, whatever
no matter what helz flips im extremely confident in the fact that wind and luk are villagers
even if all of us are somehow horribly wrong, which i doubt we are

dont @ me

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anyway, back to this post - Zone, whatā€™s your thought on how fast the Merc wagon built up on the day with the false EoD (when I suggested voting either Tilga or Merc and then tied the wagons because I didnā€™t check the VC)?

btw this is unironically an incredibly towny Chloe post

because it came before my paranoia post

Count this as my legacy post unless there are any drastic changes, like useful or contradictory information in the thread. I gotta finish up thesis work tomorrow so Iā€™ll likely only be around during lunch and right before EoD.

Derps (lolmason, but also as I said, no way would a wolf come in and tunnel the hell out of me when Iā€™m not being openly scumread by anyone else; it draws too much attention to Derps)
Lukundo (CFD to Wiisp and child claim on D1 clears him; Iā€™m never rescinding this read)
Min (I highly trust myself and Tilgarial on this read, and Lemonā€™s analysis of Wiispā€™s spew was hella good)
Chloe (just did the most town!Chloe thing ever and we vibinā€™)
Aelin (really donā€™t think Aelin spends that many days pushing her wolf partner, especially after the wagon on Wiisp was dropped after D1 and not picked up again till D3; wolf!Aelin wouldā€™ve likely dropped the push like how she treated EVO in the NUF 2 game)
Zone (idk but Iā€™m 99% sure he left his scum range regardless of how Wiisp treated his slot)

Wisdom (might move depending on Helz and Guillo flips)
Merc (something tells me sheā€™s town if Helz flips scum but I donā€™t remember why; wagon buildup on her after false EoD2 looked very opportunistic but so did the CFD onto Wiisp on D1 so I might be misclearing, and her wagon doesnā€™t look much more opportunistic than the Tilga wagon now that I think about it)
Proph (I think his line of questioning is genuine; most of my hesitation on him is purely paranoia and I canā€™t find concrete evidence past D1 as to why Iā€™d think heā€™s a wolf, although I remember some of his posts around false EoD2 regarding Blitz being a bit weird)
Lemon (really good ISO on Wiisp and I thought a lot of her analysis was real and valid, even if I donā€™t 100% agree with all the individual points)

Everyone else can be PoE:
Nikamara (willing to reevaluate her)
Blitz (willing to reevaluate him)
Whysper (looks bad from Wiisp flip; would look worse if Helz flips wolf; donā€™t think the way Guillo treated his read on me looked towny but Iā€™m giving Whysper one more day to convince me otherwise)
Helz (looks bad from Wiisp flip; would look worse if Whysper flips wolf; Iā€™m so incredibly sure he flips wolf that I donā€™t really think I can contribute anything else useful about his slot, so Iā€™ll give him a break and focus on reading the rest of the PoE until EoD)

/vote Helz
@osieorb18 @EliThePsycho
Laugh at me all you want when youā€™ve flipped; Iā€™ll take my chances here.

to clear that up Iā€™m just definitely voting Helz today and the rest of the PoE is getting ahead of myself in anticipation of D5
if Iā€™m looking that far ahead then I should probably put Merc back into the PoE for D5 as well

sorry, getting a bit tired now so Iā€™m gonna go to sleep.

note to self: need to look at what Whysperā€™s reads were when she first came into the thread.

if you have anything particular you want me to answer, feel free to bring it up o/

I think I have a couple questions but Iā€™ll save them till Iā€™m more awake xD
I feel that youā€™ve tonally been pure, and I do think the wagon on you looked opportunistic in the first place, but Iā€™m still a bit nervous about why people didnā€™t continue to push you after the false EoD2 and only picked up the push on you again the following day, letting Tilgarial and Merc become top wagons at actual EoD2 on my suggestion.

A lot of that has to do with my paranoia read, and as I recall it was Proph who asked me who Iā€™d rather vote out since I expressed thinking you were town, and Helz who asked me which of my suggested wagons I thought would most likely flip scum, and said heā€™d vote with me.

P.S. if Iā€™m misremembering this, then absolutely do correct me because itā€™s a huge factor in my SR on Helz and the start of my paranoia on Helz and Proph.

True, only proph actually questioned me properly during the false end. Everyone pretty much just jumped on merc and tilg after your suggesteion.
Plus my
as for day 3, I donā€™t think anyone particularly focused on me outside of around 4 players, most had set me and merc aside to focus on others at that point

I donā€™t remember the exact post but iā€™ll give it a search o/

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So I have made some free time. I can only speak from my memory but I will answer anything.

Please donā€™t take this the wrong way Wind but I very much doubt I ever handed you my vote. I do have faith in your alignment but your scum hunting has not been anything to give a toast to this game. I pushed you to take some leadership in the town the same way as I pushed Silviu to because I do not believe a good leader needs to be good at hunting. (That probably sounds terrible and I am sorry)

Sorry, I think I worded that badly. You said you wanted me to give my thoughts and reasons, and if you thought they were reasonable youā€™d follow my lead.

Btw something just clicked and it occurred to me that if Iā€™m right about the masons not being able to sync PRs, they essentially function as vanilla cops, meaning that having a benefits cop AND the mason sync mechanic both as town mechanics is incredibly unlikely and imbalanced.

Youā€™re welcome for this weird thought, bye again.

i dont have many thoughts on it because my brain isnt working
i think its much easier to make conclusions regarding Guilloā€™s PR hunting if we have Guilloā€™s flip, rather than trying to make decisions as to his alignment based off of this - because it could very well just be how he plays

i think pushing to kill prs just because theyre prs is anti-town, but its not actively wolfy depending on the player

im not used to making reads based on how people are or arent pushing PRs, but i thought the lack of push towards Wiisp was pretty bad considering they had conflicting claims and neither of them was acknowledging that dichotomy - but with the claim being retracted that read is pretty much retracted as well

If his slot flips w i think its less likely for him to be a wolf with Nika, as Nika was likeā€¦ the one PR he was actively pushing to die

I like how half of this paragraph is you going on a tangent and explaining your actions lmfao ily

wait now im confused
this also feels kinda backwards
if helz had info on kaif and was a wolf with kaif why would wisp hardshield the slot on d2
they would know he isnt mason based on the results (im p sure), and that doesnt add up with wispā€™s actions

your argument here is hurting my brain and doesnt make much sense
hes either a villager who truly did check kaif
or a wolf who gave us false actions

the wolf wincon isnt ā€˜look less suspiciousā€™ its ā€˜overcome the townā€™
wolves push VTs, and are cautious around PRs
the average wolf doesnt think as many steps ahead as youā€™re suggesting. a strong or experienced wolf might notice that a player is definitely going to go over, and might hop and ā€˜defendā€™ that player
but i think in more scenarios than not, wolves will be pushing those who they know cant use mechanics as a defence, and whiteknighting those who they know can clear themselves (such as how wisp treated kaif)