Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

I still have no understanding of how the sync works. Initially Lux pushed for people’s flavor genders which I gave to help but I later assumed they don’t matter. Literally every player I checked had totally different benifits so I have not seen any pattern.

That and the fact our very most confirmed town roles are getting killed kinda made me feel like my voice is a stinger weapon than my role.

This is my problem too, actually. I am having fun playing with everyone here and I’m sorry if tunnelling people ruins it. But I don’t vote based on emotion as much as I do based on my logic and the logic of those I trust, so feelings aside, I am voting where I think there’s a wolf.

@Prophylaxis hai

is this what it feels like to be min

am i on ignore


The comparison hurts :upside_down_face:


Because it could give me info on 2 players with one action if the sync was like a game of ‘memory’ (that card game where you match cards)

it’s me being tired and sheeping the vote of Wind and chloe who been way more active than I’ve been and who I tr with a teeny tiny bit of my own analysis thrown in.

But why check Aelin instead of Wiisp? Wiisp claimed babysitter and you said yourself that you think you’re the only town PR.

I mean if you’d checked Wiisp you would’ve seen that a claimed babysitter could become something else, and that would absolutely have been a valid reason to push him. But you picked Aelin who didn’t claim to be a PR in the first place.

oh so think you could helpe the masons improve sync ratings? then why haven’t you done so?

(if I disappear suddenly I apologize for falling asleep in the middle of the conversation lol)

Another rough question.

I feel like the most likely is in Wisdom. I want to dig through Wiisp interactions and very specifically the train shift D1 in relation to wagonomics on the lynch yesterday but probably won’t get that chance.

You probably just want names so I could see the wolves in Mercenary or Lemon as well. Would give a proper Poe if I even had my notes to look at who all is in the game

This is quoted from the OP

At first I thought we were playing some kinda role madness. There is something I will take to my grave that made me believe that.
I looked at Aelin because Wiisp’s role was claimed and at the time I figured I could get theirs and in doing so sort 2 players at once

Ima play terraria

Not a single question for me? If you think I’m a wolf you could gather valuable information here…

All right, I won’t ask about it but I’ll take your word for it for now.

I don’t remember seeing anything from you that made it look like you suspected Aelin or wanted to sort her, but I’ll take a look at that later. I’m not super convinced as of right now. You wouldn’t have been sorting two players at once; you would’ve seen what they could do together in combination, and figured out what Aelin’s original role was.

I believe Wiisp (and therefore the wolves) suspected that the code numbers were related to roles, and that’s why Wiisp fakeclaimed his number. That indicates that the wolves figured out that Aelin was vanilla (and whether she claimed it in sync chat or whether wolves figured this out on their own is another question).

I was less-so looking for wolves and moreso looking for where you think they are in this threadstate, if the three main people pushing you are villagers

if you flip town i’ll be taking a long hard look at people who have been sidelining and allowing us to push you over a cliff - or jumping onto your wagon in an opportunistic manner

can you explain your merc read for me please? And since wisdom is a heavy wolfread of yours, who do you think shes likely to be partnered with? Preflip all you want tbh

The part here about Wiisp faking his flavor is not really related to you, Helz. It was moreso my way of saying wolves suspected Wiisp would get caught in the chat if he told the truth, or at least that Wiisp thought he’d get caught. And if he thought he’d get caught, he likely told his teammates to form a plan.

I feel like figuring out what they did in combination was the specific purpose of my role. If masons didn’t self out and I figured that out we coulda had the endless fountain of power role actions that scum could do nothing about. It would just take me 1 Neibhor chat with one of them and the game would shift in our favor