Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

I don’t know why you’re asking rhetorical questions, but ok

Don’t you want to know the answer tho?

you want to scumread me for liking posts in the thread, though, and i can scumread you back for liking my posts, but that just seems like angleshooting. so what’s the point?

I mainly said that because saying he subbed out quickly would have been enough.
The rest, aka saying why he subbed out, just seems to be an attempt to lower opinions on him; and if not, it wasn’t very nice
Bad choice either way

I’d say to this that (being someone kind of “new” here) I didn’t particularly feel that Wind was trying to win me over with emotions but they certainly have felt friendly. In terms of content, I feel that they have been posting a lot but there hasn’t been much content in terms of analysis (which is a slight point of concern for me - but uh… I’m also kind of in a similar position). I don’t have an understanding of their meta so I can’t really tell whether the style of their posts have been AI or not thus far. They have also said their meta is more spammy on this site so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

One point I think should be added is that although many people are new to this site, they’re not new to mafia. I don’t think they’d fall for “being friendly to win someone over”, in fact, it might instead make them raise their guards (because it feels pockety).

I think while we do need to examine Wind closer, your analysis that relies on Wind’s past meta (which I know nothing of and have no way to determine your accuracy) is not convincing. Your push on Wind also seems really strong for a D1 vote. I haven’t read the entire progression of your interaction so I’m not sure of the entire picture here, but just from the content of this particular post, I’m not convinced.


Not everything looks what it looks to be, but oh well, done with that.

Now I need the rest of people to say their opinions towards you then we can have even more fun!

Are you… trying to claim this is some sort of RT (Reaction Test)?

The reason why I believe that argument with winning people over, is because it happened many times to the games I happened to be in~ even outside of this forum, even.

What is a reaction test?

I’m definitely not trying to win people over with emotions right now, in case you haven’t noticed

I told you I have notes, I’m not aiming to lead the thread or carry the town, and I don’t intend to voice all my reads until closer to EoD. I don’t expect to be townread for it, and it’s fine if I’m scumread for it, but I have a plan in mind and outing all my reads right now renders my plan pointless.

I do that as both alignments. It’s completely NAI.

This is in response to my asking for your take on Guillo and on me because you spent so long avoiding answering me. I want direct answers; I don’t want to pull teeth just to get an explanation out of you. It’s fine if you feel the same way about me and my reads, but if you want explanations from me, then give your own.

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Well, I’ve had her as a null-aligned moving slightly townie currently but I haven’t witnessed any particularly scummy behaviour from them. They have been talkatibe but there’s nothing wrong with that, plus they have been chiming in their opinions and reactions towards other plays constantly. morever they have replied to most of your doubts in a reasonable manner.

something to test for reactions

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ping me if there’s anything urgent, if not, I’m going back to readdddd

When you do something in a specific way to bait people into reacting (usually in an alignment indicative way)

I’m going back to working on my thesis


I was “avoiding to answer to you” for a reason, I don’t like you are keep holding onto that…

Oh good luck.

I am holding onto it because usually town will be more forthright with their answers, but scum will take the time to plan out their responses in a calculated manner to increase the chance they are townread for how they respond.

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I’m going back to catchup with the last posts but ping me if you need anything <.<

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Hey, Blitz. Could you ISO one of the following?
Doesn’t matter which, just pick one
They should all still have relatively few posts, so it isn’t much effort