Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

It’s fucking setting a tone for thread. How the fuck is that NAI

It looked weird in the few posts you read but you felt the need to call that out without reading my posts. The fact you are grabbing bits out of context and throwing shade on them without a desire to ‘dig deeper’ when you feel you have found something looks ‘weird’ to me.

because he read me off more than just that game (and literally every time someone’s used that game as reference, they’ve done a very bad job of comparing valid points tbh and I see it as a pattern at this point). That game was back in November.

but he’s also reading me off the number of likes i give in the thread (kinda angleshooty), the fact that i’ve read Thingyman’s article about powerwolfing (idk if that’s angleshooty but w/e), and that I’m being overly friendly to people here when in my first game I knew absolutely no one and was a noob myself, and wasn’t very friendly.

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What if this all WIFOM


helz - null

god tier readlist

Opinion vs Opinion, are you going to win?


geez I give up, everything i say is getting misinterpreted.
I’ll come back later when people actually want to read my posts correctly and also make an effort to read me off what I’m doing in THIS thread.

I’ve been working on it but I’m pretty bad on day1 where I usually just try and get a read on everyone and try to town read a few players
As for 3 targets, that’s a bit hard but I’ll go for Night, Silviu and either luku/Lemon at the moment

ftr, Silviu. You agree that these are the reasons?

Why fish when you can ask directly? We are not in RVS anymore?

I should.

Sorry. This is like the third time I have seen you cast some shade and then backtrack when it draws attention. Before I have to leave for a work thing I think I am gona call some attention to your behavior and read into you more.

Skimming back a bit I see Zone picked up on the same sort of thing earlier with you.

I’ll leave you with a readlist where PKR, Lemon, Wiisp and Prophylaxis are my scumreads and let you do whatever you want with it.

Well words can easily be misinterpreted online, this is what the T.I.C teacher taught me…

You’re referring that people changes by minute, right?

Ive been plsying devil’s advocate but i think he might be town.

thinkin about how ppl will perceive me if I shift off guill now, hm

/vote min
ill bite

How come?

Did you play with PKR before or are you choosing them as an easy target?