Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

This is a good questioning on @Nightingale not sure if this has been responded too already but I want to see a legitimate response here. Can you please link if one has already been made.

Nightingale usually is busy with real life stuff aswellā€¦ Like they disappeared right now.

So this is some of what I am looking at with Nightingale

This is followed by a vote park and they voice reasoning for their vote which stays consistant through the thread.

This is followed by the first awkward bit between Night and Wind:

Without reasoning they flatly offer to sheep their vote to Wind. In context this is after Wind dropped a number of thoughts (post 836) basically saying they saw a neutral vote no-lynch and leave and some small bits on me that donā€™t conclude anything. I really do not see how Night could read that post and come to the conclusion of ā€œLock Vā€ and given they have consistantly voiced they have bairly read the thread I doubt they went and did an Iso on a 250 post player while activly interacting or anything. The timing and conclusion of ā€œLock V Wind so hard they can control my voteā€ just does not fit the situation to me.

Here we see that passive nature again of ā€˜kinda sorta pillow pushingā€™ Kaif while basically asking permission from the town to do so. This is not the attitude I expect from a Town scum hunting. Just following the flow of the situation I kinda get the feeling that Nights focus is very much on how they are viewed by the other players and the pillow push is just an attempt to ā€˜be seen as huntingā€™

Here they voice reasoning of ā€˜awkward entranceā€™ on Kaif which is consistent with their push on me and it is followed up with them voicing an attempt to understand Kaifā€™s thought process

And again, the read is hedged with them backing off as soon as a player voices opposition to their read. It is worth noting this opinion was given from Wind who Night has claimed to town read but the pattern continues.

Then there is a series of posts of Night calling themselves a wolf. That is up for any sort of WIFOM I wont bother rambling about. It is worth mentioning there could be something of a pattern to if you see their post 63 as potential for a wolf laughing at spamming instead of a town pushing against spam.

Here they are back to pushing my early RVS focus while voicing they see me as calling myself better or something? There is finally a bit of backbone in the read with a few posts doubling down that they felt my RVS agenda was forced. But then there is this reaction:

As soon as I voice suspicion on their behavior they back off, I become a null read, and they are ā€˜overā€™ my opening? I do not see why I should suddenly be less scummy to them and again, this ā€˜pillow pushing until it draws conflictā€™ pattern pops up. Also we see Kaif on the list with no stance which is eh?

I do see consistency in the focus of peoples entrance but the way it is used bothers me. I really do feel they have a substantial focus to avoid attention and this pattern of casting a bit of shade then running away does not feel like a townie sorting players to eliminate a wolf. I do think its worth considering they have voiced a health issue multiple times and I do not feel this pattern is damning but I do want to draw some focus to this slot given their behavior.

Vote: Nightingale
@osieorb18 @ElithePsycho

how are you doing that <.<
Iā€™m almost struggling to keep up with this game

despite of what ive heard about him, helz is my fav player in the game rn :]

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Usually when you read something you donā€™t re-read it until you dream about it right? I believe heā€™s just reading a comment and then just scrolls down.

btw can we get an updated votecount? I canā€™t quite find the last 1 by scrolling @osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

If you ever want to feel free to DM me on the subject. Some people have made me look like a hateful person in a way thats extremely upsetting to me but thats not a topic I want to bring into this game.

ye I donā€™t wanna bring that stuff to this game either

I respect your mentality and thatā€™s something. You donā€™t seem hateful.

Iā€™m not sure yet, tbh

I donā€™t really know anything about you but I do agree with your desire to skip over the RVS and your reads on Nightingale for the most part

I donā€™t even see anyone getting personal over this community~ now if you play the actual game thoā€¦

I think Iā€™m town leaning too many people ugh

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Wellā€¦ are you town leaning people for reasonable reasons?

without love
the truth cannot be seen

bottom text

- Albert Einstein


some are fairly reasonable most is on gut and tone tbh

Donā€™t forget that thereā€™s 21 players.
Even if you townlean a doubledigit number, it may feel like way too much, but isnt actually too much