Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

aka let’s not bury them instantly for it

I gotta snag some food so gone for a bit.

But looks like RVS is broken : )


you can go in-depth; I think it’s just that it came across as kind of weird that you dragged yourself into the example, but since you haven’t played with Wiisp before and you were explaining how you’d read Wiisp’s meta on Zone from your point of view, it does sort of make sense?

idk, I’m not gonna read you for it yet

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I can link ya some games if ya want
But I only really have two scum games that aren’t years old

FTR, if Wiisp/Zone were W/W, then this doesn’t hold any value because I can just replicate my town meta, thereby holding a puppet show with Wiisp.
–the problem is that only a select few know about the animosity between Wiisp and me, so it wouldn’t exactly make sense for W/W Wiisp/Zone to hold a puppet show.


The funny thing is, I immediately followed up with “just a random guess” because i saw this coming and was too lazy to want to explain

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Bruh. What did you expect me to do? Not warn you to not hold high expectations from a site where literal sheeps and lurkers are the norm?


Because i want to

My thoughts were more along the line of it having far less weight after you read about how you are being read, and othwrs know about it, lol

sure but don’t expect me to go through them to get a read on u

I want to hear how you think, because I believe that sharing your thought process will help other players in reading you.

So far you’ve:

  • (jokingly?) put ZoneQ11, Mercenary, and Windward in your scum list
  • Called Wisp and Helz town based off of a handful of posts without explaining why
  • Bandwagonned Helz’s vote on Tilgarial after ZoneQ11 voted for them, with zero reasoning

Would you mind explaining why, or are you just going to continue to play with cards close to your chest?

Represent yourself and ur fellow community members as chads.

Yah, im going to continue to play with cards close to my chest. What are you gonna do about it?

wait did I miss this? lol

How do you guys quote people here?

highlight the text you want to quote and the quote button should show up

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o.o have we switched to solvy mode?

highlight and right click on pc