Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

happy 3k posts

Null to scum
On one hand I wanna simply say ā€œnull, the scum part is simply zone being zoneā€
But I havenā€™t actually got a clue
What I do know is that I donā€™t want him around for mylo/lylo unless we always have somebody better to lynch/he gets mechanically cleared somehow

And if not
I resist a min wagon

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I actually just self-ISOā€™d and apparently I did talk about you
but it was just a not scummy and not towny either comment
in context, I was just confused about why so many people were SR-ing your slot so hard when I had it on null

this is unrelated but Prophy moving up to SR
and pretty convinced Nika town

Why for both?

ok and this might be a tiny bit OMGUSy but literally Wind makes like paragraphs of analysis for Silviu and others (canā€™t remember) but kinda just places my slot on scum for not remembering PKRā€™s name - which I personally think is a v. weak reason
I still think she is (mostly) town but idk Iā€™m kinda having instinctual aversion to this slot rn

A mosquito can fly, but a fly cannot mosquito


just from reading through thread I guess
why canā€™t they both be town?

Prophy - I read their analyses and theyā€™re pretty thorough with probey questions. I sense a genuine solviness from these that I associate with town

Nikaā€™s tunnel on PKR make me SR her because I think town is more likely to get caught up going after one person than mafia. From interacting with her, I get the sense that her conviction was genuine.

I gave other reasons too besides just that, but thatā€™s what stuck out to me in particular because I TR neither of you.
Sorry my phone service decided to momentarily die lmao, itā€™s back now

That was in reply to lemon

I cannot comprehend your words of wisdom

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There is a part of me that canā€™t wait for the player count to drop so I donā€™t have to come back to 1k unread posts >.<

Catching up nowā€¦


Hello lovely people. I wonā€™t be here for EoD. Iā€™m a good deal behind. Will be answering mentions ^-^7 Ping me if you want to interact within the next 20 minutes or so :blush:. Thatā€™s really all the time I have this morning. T^T

I think the other reasons you gave were my read on Silviu was an easy read but I made other reads tooā€¦

I wasnā€™t scumreading you for your read on Silviu. I was just saying I wouldnā€™t TR you for it.

What does ape mean?

Basically a monkey if we arenā€™t being technical

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ooooooooooooooooh nvm then


@osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

whatā€™s the vote count btw? :thinking:

ā€¦ not even a second of doubt?