Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win


ok ok, I see your perspective.
I was moreso thinking that rather than spewing two wolf partners as T/W instead of W/W, people were implying that Tilgarial could have TMI that Wiisp and Zone are, in fact, T/W and that Tilga is wolf with exactly one of them.
Idk though, it could go either way, and Tilga might also just be town.

put ur ego down and play the game instead of trying to look cool


I mean you can play how you want to, just please have the decency to answer questions that are directed at you ĀÆ_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Heā€™s a troll. I know that, because I am one myself.
The best way to irritate him other than peer-pressuring him, is just to ignore him.

Because my scum meta involves me replicating my town meta to a certain degree.
ā€“and since nobody can read me properly (Wiispā€™s claim is BS) they all rely on my town meta, which involves me acting like a dancing monkey. I donā€™t like doing that; it exhausts my mental capacity.

Again, I donā€™t mind others doing their own thing. I justā€¦ donā€™t like the sight of it.

Yep. I have limited memory capacity. I ainā€™t going to spend my time exploring 20 players.
Iā€™d rather just keep small numbers, and focus on those.

Im not trying to look cool, i am, itā€™s not ego, itā€™s confidence! I know my value and what i can give to my faction to win.

If you perceive ego, that is my confidence opaquing yours. Dont let it!

I love you

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I disagree, would rather policy him.

My microwave literaly died


my condolences

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RIP mincrowave



Votee Voted by Votes
Guillotina Prophylaxis, min, Kaif 3/11
Tilgarial Helz, Zone_Q11 2/11
Mercenary Tilgarial 1/11
No Hug ErikaFurudo 1/11
Not Voting Aelin, Blitz, Guillotina, LemonFairy, Marluxion, Mercenary, Nightingale, Nikamara, PokemonKidRyan, Silviu200530, TheLukundo, Wiisp, WindwardAway, yurkin 14

Remember to tag the hosts and make your vote extra visible (Separate line, bold) if you want it to reliably be counted.

I didnā€™t say it was gamethrowing. I said it was borderline gamethrowing.
This site already has someone similar to you. Multiple people even.

Youā€™re right; I chose the wrong words. Itā€™s not illegal to keep your hands hidden, but it isā€¦ ā€œdiscomfortingā€ to say the least. Especially when not everyone knows what ā€œGuillotinaā€™s styleā€ entails.

Donā€™t bother. He wonā€™t listen. Heā€™s not in the mood to.

I just noticed that weā€™re voting for someone to be ā€œhuggedā€
thatā€™s really cute ahaha


I still think that people are blowing off what tiger said so out of proportion

It is not uncommon for people to make reads that are low leveled such as (x and y are not w/w because theyd do x if they were)

Tiger could very well change their opinion on the slightest bit so I dont get why some people are trying to bury them over a shallow read

Nowā€¦ do you see why im always scum read?

I dont pay my dues as a newbie on new sites i play at. Sowwy

Im signing ofc for a while. So you guys know, my mother is undergoing brain surgery tomorrow so my activity will tank considerably this week, i mentioned this in the sign ups.

Donā€™t take this info to take it easy on me though. I could easily be scum going through this. I just wanted to let you guys know why i will seem like i sucdenly vanished.


I have never seen a dancing monkey but that simile has buttered my toast and sugared my koolaid XD. I have to head back to work now X-x Iā€™m already late. Iā€™m no great player, but there are people whoā€™s meta never change despite their alignment. Those are usually the best players. On the other hand there are people who clearly act like night vs day when they are town vs scum and that information is useful.

At least Iā€™m not trying to bury Tilga
Iā€™m questioning why Guillo isnā€™t trying to bury Tilga like a number of other people are

I hope it goes well for her ^^

Because i dont have an agenda?