Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

I declare from this point forward to get out of my tunnel of Kaif, i have yo get over his policy yeet proposal to be able to objectively read him

that to me is towny

What is?

the comment I was replying to

I was dumb and spilt it up into two parts for some reason

Im curious. Walking into D2 who do you think is worth focusing on?

Do you have any reads or feelings on players yet? I still have you totally blank in my notes.

i disliked the entirety of everyone wanting to cfd honestly. i dont think luk should be buried for it though as pkr flipped town.

the whole cfd with people voting wiisp kinda upset me regardless because i cannot see the fakeness on them people are talking about

i have like not more than a basic understanding how to read the tone of posts so if someone could help me out i will marry you

I totally understand the purpose of a CFD. Its a great idea to shift when all the active trains are bad.

But its like here it was planned as the action instead of being an alternative when people did not like what was available.

With Wiisp in particular I view him as a strong player. I really feel that there is potential scum looked at him and said ā€˜We canā€™t get this guy lynched by making a case so lets CFD him!ā€™ or something. The same that people push against policy lynches as a tool for scum to push a lynch without thought I feel it can be said about CFDā€™s in general and very specifically Wiispā€™s CFD.

Just read the guys ISO. Its nothing special and I still need to take time to draw a real conclusion but it sure as shit was not scummy to me and certainly not ā€˜Damn certain he is scum and I need to trick the town to make the lynch happenā€™ or something.

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At dinner, but the reason I didnā€™t convince others yesterday was because I only actually fleshed out the read overnight
Yesterday it was just kinda a tonal/gut read and the only reason I got off was because it grew way too quickly for me to be comfortable with at EoD

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Ill keep this in mind and iso luk in a little bit

/vote mercenary @osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

Tilga and Aelin

Also that slot. I think if he was scum, his team is happy we let him lurk.

/vote SirDerp @osieorb18

I remember merc for scumreading helz and going, ā€œIā€™m widely townreadā€ when Sussed. Which while not a bad look on its face, I feel theyā€™ve dropped off.

a handful of us were SRing Lemon, but Marl and Proph were TRing them, so I decided to give Lemon the benefit of the doubt for a day and changed my vote to PKR and left it there for EoD. And you see how that turned out, lol.

I actually thought his early reasoning on Lemon came from a town perspective and thatā€™s why I TRā€™d Blitz over Lemon. Willing to reevaluate both of the slots, though. Itā€™s just that I thought the only particularly towny-looking post from Lemon was their case on Silviu, and considering heā€™s a mason, it doesnā€™t look so great for Lemon (and others used similar reasoning on SRā€™ing Nikamara, so itā€™s not necessarily an AI thing).

what actually is the consensus view of Lemon at the moment? I feel like itā€™s been fairly evenly split on the slot.

Because they get paired by gender to become ā€œparasitesā€. Girls are called ā€œpistilsā€ and boys are called ā€œstamensā€ (from the flower parts) and they pilot Franxx together as a parasite to combat Klaxosaurs. Children are artificially created to preserve the human race, and the most talented ones are trained to become parasites, or so thatā€™s what I understand about how the premise of the anime works. Children only work together in certain pairs, hence the sync rates, because certain children are just more compatible with other children (plus the gender pairing).

Agreed, but I havenā€™t seen half the players in this game before so I donā€™t even know whoā€™s played here before lol.

Yeah, take it as you will but min defending themselves strongly is NAI. Their reactions can be AI, but the amount of defense they pour forth when being scumread is not.

Heā€™s just a louder and more experienced mason than the other two, letā€™s put it that way. The kill on Marl narrows down the possible scumteam combinations imo.

On a side note, canā€™t tell if this is a genuine question or a fake derp so Iā€™ll keep it in the back of my mind.

I wouldnā€™t say Marl was widely townread, and neither was Silviu. There was speculation on whether they were covering the scumteam by claiming masons, so you might want to go search for that discussion and who was involved in it.

Interesting you say this now after asking if he was outed as an important mason, and yet nobody said in between that they thought Marl was town leader material. In fact, I donā€™t think anyone said that during D1 except Marl, so where did you get this from? He said heā€™d rather be loud and give his reads and get killed N1 than to be quiet and not risk dying, and thatā€™s exactly what he did. But considering he was still scumread outside of what ended up being a mech confirmation that he was town, Iā€™m guessing he was killed for a different reason than just his role.

Well, youā€™re right on that, and as someone pointed out earlier, Wiisp also made a post saying that if he does die, Proph is sus. As I wrote in my notes overnight, I think it kind of means Proph is town if Wiisp is a wolf, and I think Proph is likely also town if Wiisp is town at this point. The question is just what it all says about Wiisp.

Iā€™ll answer this, since itā€™s my homesite - CFDs are a standard here. Lukundo hasnā€™t played here before, as he said, so idk how much heā€™s heard about our CFD habits.

tbh I wouldā€™ve been more willing to CFD my own vote to Wiisp than to leave it on PKR even though I thought both of them had scum equity at that point. I just wasnā€™t around in the thread enough to catch the CFD, and for that matter, in retrospect Iā€™m not really sure it wouldā€™ve been such a great idea, either. I wasnā€™t against a Wiisp yeet yesterDay but Iā€™m less enthused about it toDay.

same here, and thatā€™s why I just donā€™t toneread people (nor am I aware of my own tone) lol

do you remember Mercā€™s townread on you based on experience levels and how it dropped off? whatā€™s your opinion on it?

oh that post ended up way longer than I meant for it to, sorry.

Okay so I have a bit of time here.

If anyone wants to real time/talk while I write a wallpost, let me know.

Iā€™m here for a bit longer and also open to interacting with people