Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win


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I do appreciate your hunch reads but Iā€™m not sure why youā€™d lock a slot this early on just a hunch


Yay :smile_cat:

Ya, and thatā€™s why you never keep him alive at endgame either.
ā€“anyhow, that is the past. This is the present.

This has nothing to do with the gameā€¦ but the answer is actually ā€œyesā€.

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What did I get myself into :ā€™)

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nah just gotta be confident in yourself

no reason not to + doesnā€™t mean I canā€™t change my read later

A lot of pain that you couldā€™ve avoided.
ā€“also, do I know you from somewhere?

if youā€™re leaving your read open to potentially changing later, isnā€™t itā€¦ not a lock?

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itā€™s mostly just a terminology thing thatā€™s confusing me

hello yurkin!

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Since I didnā€™t get pinged and I didnā€™t realise day started.
I have just skimmed 400-ish posts and all I can say is blah.

Usual introductions :white_check_mark:
Some basic RVS :white_check_mark:
Nothing much of note for the first few hours of a start of game :white_check_mark:


hi and welcome to hell


lock until I unlock it :upside_down_face:

Yep. Sounds about right. A little bit of skirmish with Tilgarial and Guillotina as well, but otherwise there really has been nothing else so far.

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ā€¦ eh. Good enough.

Thatā€¦ typically isnā€™t considered a locked read around here.
But I guess, interesting enough?

Itā€™s like towncoring but with being like ā€œI couldā€™ve just towncored a wolfā€ which is not a bad mentality?

yeah, Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s what Kaif meant, which is fine lol
just a terminology difference probably

Iā€™m well aware but itā€™s comfier if I buddy with someone

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mfw I get pocketed by a wolf : (
