Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win


Think about relationships. Sometimes when your going through a break up the other person may prey on your empathy by leveraging their suffering and making you feel like a bad person with the end goal of keeping you in their life.

Or think about a traffic ticket. Some people might choose to cry to leverage the cops empathy so they will not have to pay a traffic fine.

There is a genuine side to it and its something very natural in interactions but but when its done intentionally it bothers me because that person is basically using the fact you are a good person to hurt you and get what they want. When used in Mafia as a tactic it can be effective but I feel it overall drags your and others enjoyment down which is the entire point of playing for me. I will choose having a good time over taking a win any day.


I ignore the politics section of my servers XD just stresses me out. pretty liberal myself but not exactly abreast with current issues all the time. Iā€™m a 1/2 Creole, 3/8 mestizo, 1/8 pakistani bisexual feminists woman so ugh go figure.


Considering the society online and even offlineā€¦ maybe some things doesnā€™t need to be conservedā€¦

ah so emotional manipulation essentially / guilt tripping with some potential gas lighting.


Using emotions in order to benefit yourselfā€¦ is this really what AtE is all about?

To me, this concept seems to be a negative aspect of something instead of using it with the morals in checkā€¦

Sure. its an appeal to emotion.

Consider how Nonprofit organizations get their money. Their commercials are a persuasive model to get you to donate. They do so with sad music and putting clips of suffering animals on the screen to ā€˜Appeal to your emotionsā€™ so they can put themselves between that suffering animal and your empathy and pay themselves hundreds of thousands.
(I may have a moderate moral disgust for NPO board members)

If your interested this is something I sketched up a long time ago. I need to rewrite it all but it breaks down appeal structures and argument structures in a way thats useful to Mafia.


Do you know the repeated news about girls getting away with perjury to convict guys and they get no punishment?

There was a new about a young boy stealing and getting a rather harsh punishment and then a mom that rather been cruel to their kids and gets no sentence because she cried?

If you canā€™t figure outā€¦ the first and the second sentence in my last post are different.

nope and nope. Hence me saying not abreast with current issues. Things like that happen for sure though. There is data that has showed that women get less jail time for the same crimes men commit.


Oh my my~ You suddently look superior because of the date you joined and because you got medals and wrote a guide.

I experienced this with a friend. A girl named Bambi Niccole Miko has falsely accused him 6 times now. Each time he gets thrown in jail no questions asked then has to bail out and she gets a free lawyer to push charges on him. Last time it happened I was staying with him for a week straight and we were at a football game in another state when she said he showed up at her door with a knife trying to kick it in. The courts did not care she perjured herself and he still had to go to jail, bail out, get a lawyer etc. I spoke with an assistant to the DA in Travis County on the subject and they said they will never punish people for false stuff like that because it will incentivize victims to not come forward. This is one of a few things that has made me loose faith in our society.

(Although at this point I feel this conversation may be more appropriate to be held elsewhere. People signed up to play a mafia game not to hear me bitch about how screwed up our legal process is)


Maybeā€¦ itā€™s not safe to talk about those topics right nowā€¦ as I realize now.

I did figure out no worries. Have to leave for a while again. When I come back will start combing that iso list I dropped a while back.

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We kinda went really off topic

This hurts my liberal vibes.

Appeal to Ethos : )

God damn it.

/unvote @osieorb18 @EliThePsycho

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Mercenary been out of sight for quite a while, what do you believe about him?

I seriously do have a problem shutting upā€¦ Likeā€¦ Its not normal how incapable I am of not rambling on things I am passionate about.