Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Night is very much doubted over here : )

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Thereā€™s also people that donā€™tā€¦ but letā€™s see.

I apologize if Night was a high-efforting person.

I can be at times, but it takes some time for me getting into a game properly, and being behind in a game on a new forum (except for one game in dec 2019) doesnā€™t help. So I will unlikely have a read on everyone when the day has ended.

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No worries. You just need to get to know what happened around here, right?

I mean I could just claim my role since I donā€™t know what roles usually look like that would probably clear me but thatā€™s an extremely boring way to play this game so I likely wonā€™t. ^^


At least I would like to know what claims happened and if there are any theories on the night kill.

I accused Wind on D1 to proceed with a RT and the most accusations fell on me, Lukundo is suspicious on how both of us reacted against each other (Wind vs Silviu). I escaped because I am mason with Marl and Marl dying as a monke which proves my role.

People are suspicious of min, which I believe is because of her self-defending aura.

People voted Pokey in the end but most votes it was because of almost end-of-the-day panic.

I accused Wiisp because of the belief that they were turning us against each other, but after searching deeper they are also willing to put trust on people.

Lemon accused a bit most of the people but forgot who.

People are suspecting Nika.

Somebody is very suspicious of Aelin.

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Sadly, I canā€™t select the people who accused who because I forgot.

We can also wait for the host to submit the voting panel again.

Understandable. I struggle quite a bit on this forum and I am interested in seeing how the way you play changes my opinion.

And please do not claim. I have no intention of trying to pressure you to work outside of what you are comfortable with under threat of gunning you down. I want you to have time and space so I can make a reasoned decision and unless something happens I wonā€™t be voting off a new replacement.

If you want to understand my issues with your slot look to the end of D1 in my iso.

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Oh also, Nika is suspected for realizing that Guillā€™s RT was a RT and claimed anyways.

Honestly Of the opinions I tracked on their slot almost all were negative. I do feel like I have struggled to keep good notes on this forum though.

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What is a RT?

I got nothing.

Reaction Test. Iā€™ve done that to see the reaction of people because I donā€™t know most from here.

Reaction test

Did Marl claim?

He did. He confirmed me in return as his masonā€¦ and then he died confirming that claim.

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Lol imagine reaction test being so deep in the meta that youā€™ve got an acronym for it ^^


So, Iā€™m townlocked which explains why I had the courage and trust to go with that RT with funky reasoning.