Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Actually, i have no clue what I’m saying
@wisdom just come here and prove you’re town or fail doing so

lol, my sleep schedule is so fucked

Actually this will catch her attention @Wisdom

Get in here

** /vote WISDOM** @osieorb18

I mant this to be a vote not a mention, sorry, but im so mad im not thinking straight

Why? Because he says he can read you?

No because she has not approached me directly

She says im wolf based on meta when she knows i change my meta at will, like you cannot meta read me because when im actually wolf in a game then you’ll be fucked, and not only she is meta reading me wrong, instead of trying to solve me by asking me questions directly she is throwing dirt at me without ever talking to me.

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And in what world are Lukundo and I teamed up if she thinks Lukundo and I are wolves?

Oh… she says i could be scum or 3p. Would i as a loner try to get as much attention on me as I can?

Like get real Wisdom

I thought you wanted a more detailed analysis than what I was originally going to put, which was: “EOD was a mess and people were voting all over the place”

The problem I have with this is that the people who CDF’d to PKR were the same people that CDF’d to Wiisp. If Wiisp were scum and there’s at least one scum in the wagon jumpers, why go to Wiisp in the first place?

I cannot remember and I’m not about to go back to find them. People are TRing them mostly based on meta and while I don’t find that convincing, I also don’t find the arguments for SRing them very convincing either. Maybe I’m giving too much slack there for playing style/character but gut-wise, it’s similar to my take on PKR and they flipped town. I would re-visit this slot later though.

I’m not dismissing the possibility that Tilg is scum. I just think that Blitz probably has a higher priority. A Tilg/Blitz w/w world is not a thing because Tilg’s case on Blitz felt genuine and not like distancing. I also don’t want to only focus on those two just because I’m more familiar with them - like trying to find a wolf out of one of the two because that could really skew my judgment if they both happen to be town or something.

The part until the last sentence felt like they were trying to run me through their thought process, which looked ok to me. The last sentence seems to be more of an excuse than anything but the “I guess” at the end made me over-look the weirdness of it because it signaled their uncertainty in what they were saying.

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It wasn’t just that one post but that post captured Tilg’s “towniness” particularly well. Your point is valid though.

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What is your point here? That CFD jumpers can never be wolves?

My point was that it makes little sense for both Wiisp and a CFD jumper to be both scum. Why CFD to your teammate then jump back to a town when you were on that same town in the first place?

To look town

It doesn’t make them particularly towny if Wiisp doesn’t flip though. If they want to bus that hard, they’d be the ones pushing for a Wiisp hug today.

I don’t think that amount of town cred is worth it because it risks looking TMI.

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I guess not all towns are paranoid enough to catch that though.

Has SirDerp posted at all?

A couple of times.

The content was probably not shocking enough to make it into my memory.
Wait I remember they said they were going to graduate.

Can I read 500 posts in less than 5 hours? :thinking: