Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

For fucks sake

thatā€™s from silviu giving me a rundown of what happened. I said i had kaif as a townleaned but had to go and see your accusation towards kaif to see if my stance changes

Why did you claim

Why are you claiming, have I missed something?

Lmao and you think I am, Iā€™ve been mostly skimming but I donā€™t recall any votes that lacked cases outside maybe derps?

Iā€™m the top wagon, and I literally snuck outside, I donā€™t have time, Iā€™m not posting anymore once I go back inside

Do i think you are? Why did you claim doc under no pressure? Are you nuts?

b r u h

why would ever claim that role as opposed to softing it

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This forum is bugging out on my phone as usual

I was about to hard defend you

This is rude

From now on unless youā€™re 100% able to confirm yourself do not claim for any reason other than hard red check and even then

I did soft it, just the vigilante part lmao

btw do we have 6 minutes left or 36 minutes?

You donā€™t know me, I claim as early as possible half the time, thatā€™s why I would rather be vanilla


No idea, I just thought I made it in time for complete chaos tbh

And that wasnā€™t shade, that was just off the top of my head

Now we need to do a quick descision
Lynch wiisp or nah?
I vote nah
Now comes up the question of who next

/vote Lukundo @osieorb18

Also what the hell is a babysitter?

/unvote @osieorb18 @EliThePsycho