Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

at this point what is th point of guessing whats in the game

just look for mafia, and if theres an nk we kill them too.

not sure if this is a question we should be asking

PKR, we are playing a 21ā€™er mini-mash.
Itā€™d be weirder if the neut isnā€™t NK.


to elaborate

its still evil and it doesnt matter basically

ā€¦OH. So thatā€™s how it is.
Ermā€¦ wait, no. I donā€™t know and I donā€™t want to think about it.
You do you. I am not going to bother with you.

What makes you town read her?

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Why did you draw attention to that post when you couldā€™ve just not said anything?

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Yes, thatā€™s cool and all, but we need to actually create reasoning from nothing, according to Helz and his talks about RVS. So uhā€¦ where do we start?

Personally, I want to start with ā€œhuggingā€ Tilg, but there are actually players who have yet to talk (either much or at all) in this game. (Marl, Silviu, yurkin, Blitz, Luks, Nika, and Erika)

she feels significantly different from the scumgame i was in with her on D1

she is comfortable in thread and hasnt freezed up and she isnt trying to look town and failing miserably like she did there(no offense)

i can link the game im talking about if you want proof


Because I generally donā€™t use my brain to think more than 1 step ahead.


just ping them and be annoying

works everytime :joy_cat:

I appreciate the offer but I honestly wouldnā€™t read it. Digging through games to understand a meta read is not something I do unless its something really big or game critical. It just takes too much time for too little purpose

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You do it. I am tired of being the core of the attention, and probably so are Guill and Tilg.

i see, no worries man

Ah I just Googled and know who my flavor is now.
Looks kinda evil ngl but I donā€™t think there are Judas on this setup.

Well uh
I guess I wonā€™t argue with you on that but mrrrrrr

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Windward, I am not eevee.
I canā€™t think more than 2 steps ahead.
I donā€™t think of the consequences of my actions.

Merc is overprotective thread mom, confirmed


@Silviu200530 @yurkin @Blitz @TheLukundo @ErikaFurudo

hey there sweeties, rise and shine :heart:

(removed marl and nika because they said they were working/busy or etc)


You made me remember the time you subbed into SFoL 4 and 3/4 and botched your fakeclaim as scum lol

Itā€™s midnight Central European Time so I kinda doubt the Europeans (and beyond) are gonna pop in until tomorrow