Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

Then dont believe im a PGO, i give two shits. Like i already did my part, up to you to believe me or not.

itā€™s not like Wiisp and Aelin outed their mutual night action, so why should I?


think of a better fakeclaim next time


Because I said so

if it wont help us then dont out it lol


itā€™s a hater
we pick a target player and they require one less vote on them for a majority yeet during the following day
and no, Iā€™m not telling you who the target was.

Why wouldnā€™t you tell us who that isā€¦?

I have no clue if this helps you or not. it actually sounds like a scum action and not a town action to me but since itā€™s a neighborhood action itā€™s just neutral.

why would I? you can figure it out for yourself if youā€™re inclined to read the game.

maybe I crumbed it already, maybe I didnā€™t.

oh yeah that might have been important to out lol

ending day early when we think weā€™re going to L-1 wouldnt be fun

I donā€™t really think I belive wind

and why not? give reasons other than gut for once.

otherwise, yeet me and youā€™ll find out for yourself.

@Mercenary whats your read on my slot? i replaced erika

I know that but I wasnā€™t going to hold the information for that long. I wanted half the day phase.


How is it good for town not to out this wind

You are a wolf. I know because a town PGO must out it on day 1 before end of day to prevent town casualties. You saying that i shouldnt have outed it is saying i should have risked a doctor getting killed gor trying to protect me or a cop for trying to investigate me or any town PR.

Dont tell me how to PGO.

Right now it is helping us because scum cant kill this loud voice at night or get me chopped either.


I have reasons and Iā€™m not going to give them. I donā€™t care if you scumread me for it, but I trust my own judgement and as long as I donā€™t get dayvigged, this isnā€™t going to become an issue.