Darling in the Franxx SFM - Game Over | Mafia Win

it’s exactly how I play as town most of the time, lol

Ehh, fair.

Yeah, still not really sure what to make of Guill. The fact that they never really pushed back against me when I think most people would probably do so raises me eyebrows as well.

Gonna hop out for now, will be back later tonight hopefully.

But why do you suspect me, anon?

two things

  1. Hels early focus on mechanics, is nothing new, since he entered his town game on SC2, with initial thoughts on that, very early

  2. His first post is kinda poop, but I also understand the vote

  3. (a secret third point) SC2 usually doesn’t even have RVS, so he plays differently than most, and I know for a fact his posts like many other players on that site, can come off as disingenuous when they push people.

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That is because I didn’t want my push to seem like OMGUS, I wanted to generate and gather as many reactions as I can first so I can get solid reads. This is what I got from you so far: Scum lean.

For one, you seemed bothered about players rushing the game state out of RVS. We townies rush it so scum don’t have time to blend in, forcing scummies into having to take fake stances and push townies for ridiculous/superficial reasons.

Two, I didn’t like it how you were so willing to sheep Mercenary on his read on me even though you admitted not having an educated read on him yet. I personally can’t sheep anyone I don’t townread.

ok boomer

I love the blatant disconnect between thoughts lmao

Proph: Helz is a bad for rushing into the game
Guill: Proph is bad for trying to stop that

even though most townies will scum lean anyone that tries to rush the game, because that is seen as wolves trying to fit in

I am not sure what you mean with the Anon bit.

I suspect you because you voiced a town read on a slot I did not see possible to be town read and used that to leverage a scum read on me. That felt bad in more ways than one.

I also do not like that you dropped your push on me as soon as I pushed back on you. Even your comment here seems more focused on how I read you than anything about what my alignment is. This also feels bad to me especially when its out of line with your voiced reads earlier suggesting you thought I was town. The evolution of your reads given your reasoning appears to be from some posts at the very start of the game feels bad to me.

So ^ Reasons I suspect you although I do need to take more time to consider and actually dig through things.

No I just think your individual thought process is being incoherent and that you’re using double standards to analyze people. Nothing to do with her.


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Sure, Lets talk about that. Please explain what you mean.

Unless you didn’t communicate your thoughts properly, you are misrepresenting my stance. I don’t know anything about Helz rushing INTO the game, I think it is bad to push people as scum from wanting to rush OUT of RVS into scum hunting phase.

Oh I remember it had to do with Erika

It did look like cherrypicking, but now Guillotine and Erika are out of the way, you seem more coherent.

You’re back to my townlean :star: spot.

I will give you the benefit of a doubt but your earlier statement was suggesting what I said about Lemon was unreasonable while they themselves said they could see my point before you even made your FoS on it. That’s kinda rough…

unless you don’t know how to read, or maybe I worded it poorly? I was just pointing out two different stances, that I find funny for being the complete opposite

The whole RVS Schtick feels performative
thats why I wofredd Helz

sigh, back to his iso again

okay I go vomit bye

It was that you read some people based on what they did at face value without analyzing why, and others you read why they would do something regardless of what it looked like on face value. It felt like you cherrypicked whatever was convenient to accuse someone.

But on a macro-level and now I got clear that your apparently face-value reads (they aren’t relevant anymore, aka Erika who I thought that to be an opening post but was not/Guillotina who is not a jester) aren’t face-value at all, you look townier. Specially since you didn’t settle on Tig, which looking back probably would something scum would do if they felt comfortable that one of your mates weren’t in danger, and the vote count is pretty comfortable for scum rn (the biggest wagon is 2).

ya doesn’t really matter to me, given his home site, and how straight out of the gate they are