Dayvig (also known as flying pumpkin who shoots lasers out of its ass) 10 Turbo

dw i’ll rand vig and we’ll lose

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i want in depending on when this starts

may add a random chronomancer depending on my mood

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at least we have 18 hours to find the wolves


as soon as it fills

make it a bullet proof day vigilante as well ;’)

What type of drugs was the creator of this role on?

youll dayvig me and ill flip chronomaner

See, it was a fake claim originally, but made later into a role

why didnt you pocket dimension

thats ur own fault

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oh chronomaner

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Can we make everyone millers for no reason at all

Am Tempted
But am on mobile
Is thatvokv


/in piss

Can we have night chat as well, but you must communicate solely in memes

no but if you post memes i cant stop you

I loooked at setup.

I’m in.
Be prepared for iPad post

will anyone stop me

Wait but I thought no memes in general