Dayvig (also known as flying pumpkin who shoots lasers out of its ass) 10 Turbo

my gamer move is sleeping today actually


iā€™m - so alone
this is - a cry for help

wait no that doesnt make sense

just have joy

yeah no thats stupid

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  1. when they came under pressure at EoD1 they kept solving in a way I found villagery, obviously thatā€™s fakeable but theyā€™re not very experienced and I think they would have kind of given up under that much pressure + with their partner dead D1

  2. one of the deleted posts was villagery (not sure if I can elaborate)

when does day end do i have time to read fk arete min


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i think holstering -> yeeting arete shouldnā€™t be gamelosing

if theyā€™re V i think theyre doused

I think wolves can douse and ignite in the same night, so no

ok im gunna speed read

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Hee hee those rhyme

i think i have to shoot today if wolves can do the pewpew on the same night they nmake someone gassy

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I have a read that I canā€™t say so Iā€™m just going to joy cat

this post was me trying to softclaim dayvig to bait the nightkill because Iā€™m dumb and forgot it was an arsonist set-up

if they can douseignite in the same night then the game ends today or tonight if both douses are currently alive

that isnā€™t rlly townie tho

will game end if i shoot a villager


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no, it will be a 1v3 and youā€™ll have a yeet left

Marshal removed dayigniting

They canā€™t ignite during the day, marshal clarified this before the game started

I donā€™t know if they can ignite and douse at the same time, however


@katze most confident v of the 3 go

mine i guess

just bc lolangleshoot

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